Chapter Forty Two: The Roar Of Siamisha

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Sam held on to the shield relic as more Grotesques and Protolians arrived to attack the barrier. Reegan and Tafficious did what they could to make the Old Tigris comfortable but his condition worsened.

Sam's mind was still full of many questions. 

But one question stood out more than the others. 

"If this Prince. This Siamisha isn't dead where is he?" Sam asked. Rufus had been thinking about this as well. Rufus was nervous as what he had to say next might sound preposterous to everyone.

But he felt it was required to say what he needed to say to help solve the mystery.

"If I may answer Samuel. . . I believe I know the answer. . .Sorry in advance err Princess Candillice and Carlyle but I believe you were unable to witness the event I am about to refer to and the conclusions I may come to well. . . If I may make so bold a claim. . ."

"You see Samuel's father. Mr Bradley Gusterson transformed into a Tigris. A Tigris which the Queen herself called Aughustus!" Rufus shouted quickly and loudly but very nervously.

Candillice turned to Tafficious. He nodded.

"It is true Candillice," Tafficious said.

"Now as Captain Bradley Gusterson and Aughustus are the same individual being I believe that I would have to come to the conclusion that you and Samuel here share the same parentage!" Rufus continued to explain.

"What! So she is my sister? But what happened to the baby!?" Sam asked.

"ERROOOWAH! That's who you are you big dummy!" June Screamed.

"I'm Siamisha?" Sam questioned.

Carlyle was clearly very agitated by this suggestion. Candillice began to cry but when she looked up at Sam she became angry.

"You go too far Sam!" She scolded.

The Grotesques and the Protolians pounded on the shield and it looked like the shield bubble was beginning to lose strength. It's area of protection started to shrink.

"I wish my Dad was here! He could save us and then I could ask him about Siamisha," Sam commented.

"You! How dare you continue to speak that name!" Carlyle shouted.

He stood up, though he could not see, he tried to claw at Sam, he was very angry with him.

"Listen to all of you! How foolish? How gullible do you think we are? You think you can make a claim to the Throne! Is that it? And that I should owe you my fealty?" Carlyle yelled. 

Sam dodged Carlyle's claw attacks but he was getting close.

"Stop that Carlyle!" Sam shouted but Carlyle heard the sound of his voice. He figured out where Sam was and grabbed him. In Carlyle's mind all was lost he knew it was only a matter of time until the Grotesques captured them.

The Protolians and the Grotesques grew again in numbers and so did the intensity of the attack on the shield barrier, causing it to shrink in further upon them. The old Tigris was coughing and wheezing as he was having a hard time breathing.

He seemed to be very close to death.

"I think we are going to lose him Toido," Tafficious said.

"Can we remove his mask now?" Tafficious asked and Toido nodded.

Tafficious loosened the mask and the old Tigris removed the mask himself, he turned his head over and placed his hands over his eyes to rub them.

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