Chapter 5

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For a couple of minutes, we just stood there giving each other the googly eyes before one of them finally breaks the impeccable
"Fighting the captain of the cheerleading team?" I laugh sarcastically. "That's ridiculous."

"It's okay Naomi." Amari interrupts.

"It is?"

"Yeah. I know how much Anissa can...push your buttons on purpose. She can be very hateful."

"I see."

"And besides I can look at you and tell you're not that kind of girl who loves to revolve around the drama."

"Yeah. I don't condone it unless I have to."

"Me too."

"We have something in common I see." I flirt.

"Yes. We do." He smiles and I smile back.


"Well, you ladies enjoy the rest of your day."

"Okay." I smile.

"Okay." Kayleigh grins.

"Take care of her Marshall. Don't be out here getting her into trouble."

I don't know if that was his way of warning me or not that Kayleigh is not the kind of person that I want to be befriended. But I'm sure he was just saying this school is full of rich stuck up girls and to keep me clear of those selected females. Kayleigh's awesome!

The rest of my day went by so smoothly. River Valley North isn't how I expected it to be at all, with the exception of a few people. I didn't have any homework assignments so I went out to eat with my only friend at that I have. We went to Five Guys. I've never eaten at the place before. I know. Crazy right?

"So, on a scale of one to ten. How much do you like it here?" Kayleigh says with a full mouth.


"Um. By here do you mean River Valley or here in Virginia Beach?"


"My rating for River Valley has crushed the scale."

"Wow. Seriously?" She says and I laugh.

"Yes. I expected everybody at River Valley to be nothing but a bunch of stuck up whores with money." Kayleigh and I laugh.

"Not everybody here is rich. And not everybody with money is assholes. Look at me for example." she smiles.

"Yeah. You surprised me." I say.


"Because you look like the meanest richest bitch of River Valley, but when you opened your mouth talking about your parents and your bank account. I was speechless."

"That's what all the boys say." She smiles and I laugh.

"But seriously, having all the money, clothes, and the cars and the big house doesn't excite me."

"Why?" I'm curious.

"Because all of that is the rewards of something My Parents did. I didn't do anything yet to deserve such finer things. I don't want to be known or liked or reward with the things I want just because of who my parents are. I want to be rewarded with those things because I actually worked my ass off to make it happen on my own." Kayleigh says.

"I feel you. I don't want people thinking that just because my parent's acts a certain way, or because they believe and feel a certain way that means that I agree cause I don't agree with most of the things they believe or say."

"We're kind of more alike than I thought." Kayleigh says.

"I agree."

"Excuse Me?" a male voice speaks.

Kayleigh and I both turn around.

My mouth fell open as I now recognize the unknown man's face. What is he doing here? Why is here? And most importantly, how the hell did he know where to find me?

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