The way we met is no mystery(1D fanfic)

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Hello!This just popped into my head so sorry if it isn't good:)

~Katlyn cowell POV~

No,my father is not Simon cowell.Actually,its his brother.Drew Cowell.He sounds nice right?WRONG!He is the WORST excuse for a father a 17 year old could ask for!My mum is the worlds most caring person But the way she's married to him is a mystery to me.She's a Doctor so she's never here when the torture begins.When she leaves he sits himself on our leather couch and orders me to bring him beer.He drinks WAY TO MUCH!! Everyday at exactly 5:55(Funny,huh?From 12:00 to 5:55.)he gets drunk And abuses me.I always fall asleep on my bed with more scars than the night before.The good thing is its only on my legs and arms.So people can't tell.But today my life got EVEN worse."I'm home,Katlyn!Katie?"Madison my mum asked "YAHHHHHHH!HELP!ALCOHOLIC FATHER ON THE LOOSE!"i yelled at the top of my lungs as i hid behind my mum "What's going on,drew?"she asked with her hands on her hips.Drew ran out the kitchen with a pan in his hand.Stupid pan!who know that if you really DID hit somebody with it that it would hurt so much and make you bleed!He also threw books and sometimes forks(Not really though.Just twice he threw them at me.He missed,to my happiness!)And he has one heck of a kick!"Maddie!sweet heart,your home!I was just cooking something for karly!"he said as that creepy smile of his,is planted on his face."No he wasn't!He was going to hit me with that pan!He's given me scars,nightmares,and a terrible childhood!see for your self!"i said as i pulled my sleeve and exposed my many scars on my left hand.She gasped.Ran to the phone and dialed 9-1-1 then*BAM!* "MUM!"i yelled as my mum fell to the floor unconscious."Sorry hun,but i can't go to prison when i have a daughter to take care of."drew said as he hung up on the lady.I ran to my room and locked it"You little brat!I have a key idiot!"he said as he ran to his room to retrieve his keys.I grabbed my pillow and shook it.Out came the emergency phone my mum bought me when i was 12.He never new about it since he was at the bakery ordering the cake.I grabbed that and my purse with 1,000 dollars I've saved since i was 8!I grabbed a pair of flip-flops,slipped them on as fast as i could and threw a hammer at my window(Which was there after drew locked my window so i couldn't escape and forgot to take it back.) and glass shattered everywhere.the door knob was moving.I grabbed my stuff and jumped out the window.I landed on our garage roof.I jumped off and looked in the window my mum was lying there with a hole in her chest blood around her.He-he-sh-sho-shot her!Tears escaped and i ran to the neighbors across our house and went inside their backyard.I took out my phone and called the second to first number in my phone:Uncle Simon.I pressed call and instantly i heard a voice on the other line"Hello?"he asked "Hello uncle Simon?May i ask for a favor?"i asked looking at my house from the top of the neighbors tree."Katlyn!Uh,sure.Anything."he said sweetly "My father is a alcoholic maniac!And he killed my mum!Please help me!Please!He will kill me!" "What?!Yes,yes of course i will!I knew he would do this someday!Where are you?" "What?Um,In Mrs and Mr.Jenkings backyard!" i whispered into the phone "Okay.The cops are on their way!My assistant is calling them.I want you to stay there until 12:00!I will pick you up in my limo!stay there!Even if the cops arrive.see you then."he said and hung up. I sat there waiting.Then the cops showed up at my old house. The swat team.entered my house.

*10 minutes later*

The swat team came out with drew.The paramedics came out with my mum.I looked at my phone and it was 11:35.Uncle Simon is coming soon.I started crying and whispered softly that nobody but me could hear "Goodbye mum.I hope your at a better place."

*25 minutes later*

My eyelids are starting to droop.I won't fall asleep.I checked my phone.12:00.He should be here but i spoke to soon.A black limo pulled up to my house and a man in a suit came out.I hopped off the tree and ran to the limo.I tapped the mans shoulder "Hi uncle Simon!Remember me?"i laughed "Yes.Now lets clean you up.Were you crying?come on.Do you know what's coming up soon?"he asked enthusiastically.I tapped my chin and shrugged."Its the X-Factor! Would you like to be a guest Judge?"he asked while we sat in the limo "Oh my gosh!Are you serious? okay,breathe,breathe.My answer is a Y-E-S!"i panted "What does that spell?I was never good at spelling as a child!"he said sarcastically.I laughed "Yes!I'll be a judge.Uncle Simon." he grinned "we will be staying at a hotel.Next week we shall be judging.Okay?Now you need some rest.You've been through so much today.Come on we're here." he said.when we got in the hotel,i was embarrassed.Everybody,even the hotel itself and the janitors looked better than i did.Only because i almost got hit with a pan, jumped out a window and was stuck in a tree for 35 minutes!We checked in and we went to the penthouse.There were two rooms,a kitchen and a tv room.I went in my room and it looked beautiful!The room was a calming baby blue.The bed was queen size!And there was a balcony.With nothing to put on i went to sleep and made a mental note to go shopping tomorrow.I'm glad i have uncle Simon to count on.


:D|(: Lucy

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