A mall and A curly haired boy

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~Katlyn Pov~

I woke up to the blinding light of the sun.I got off my bed and walked to the closet.Empty.Oh,yeah!I need.to go shopping!I'll just ask uncle si if i can go.Might as well shower,first!

After a nice warm shower i grabbed my purse and went to the kitchen "Hi uncle Simon!Hey,can i go shopping for new clothes?I really need it."i asked "Sure ask Paul to take you.You might want to watch the news,first though."he said sadly as he turned on the big flat screen tv.I had one!But what a gentleman my dad was he let me watch horror movies with him!Even though my scream was louder than the whole movie!I looked around and saw that it was showing my house!The shooting,the arrest,the paramedics,and me!They saw how i ran to the neighbors backyard and the limo."-Simon cowell ,a judge in the reality tv show X-Factor helped the girl,and took her in.Are they related?Is there any sort of connection between them? And if you look closely the girl has several scars,bruises,and blood."The lady said "But,she looks like she's a model!and you've got to admit she's kinda h-."the man said before the lady hissed at him and he blushed."That's it for today!see-!" they said before i turned it off."What now?"i asked Simon,he shrugged "Do what any normal celebrity would do.Disguise yourself!"he said i raised an eyebrow "Since when have I been a celebrity?" i asked suspiciously "Since you were on tv."he said holding out to me a pair of black sunglasses i grabbed them and left the room.

*At the mall*

"Thank you,Paul."i said as i waved goodbye and entered the gigantic mall!I've never been in one!I only heard about it at school.The first store that caught my eye was a store.that read:Jack Wills.They had beautiful dresses.I entered the store and bumped into a boy."Ow,Sorry about that i just saw-!"i tried to apologize,and i realized my sunglasses had fallen off before he interrupted "Hey!Your that girl they were talking about on the news.I'm starting to stalk it to see if their talking about the X-Factor."he laughed and i looked at his dimples on his cute smile.He had curly brown hair."I'm harry.Harry styles." he said as he took my hand and shook it."Katlyn.Uh,Are you audition for the X-Factor?"i asked in great interest as i walked towards the girls clothes,he followed close behind me "Yes.Why?Are you?"he asked hopefully as i took out a pair of pants and laughed "No.Do you come here often?'Cause i sure haven't!I haven't even been out of my house!" i laughed bitterly he raised an eyebrow "I was abused.He didn't let me go anywhere other than school!I called my uncle.And he took me in."i explained as i grabbed two pairs of jeans,three shirts,and two dresses."Is your uncle,Simon cowell?I heard-" "Yes."i said as i entered the dressing room.I put on the first dress.It was yellow and had a black strip at the waist with a bow(I'm not good at describing it.Look at the picture instead.)I popped my head out and harry was still standing there "Uh..Are you going shopping with me?"i asked,he grinned sheepishly"Apparently.So,yeah.Can i see your dress or not?"he asked wiggling his eyebrows at me.I giggled"okay."i said as i stepped out his jaw dropped"You look beautiful!"he said.I felt my cheeks getting redder and redder"Try the other one on!I don't know why your not a model.Wait!what's that?"he asked pointing to my many scars."I told you i didn't have a pretty childhood."i muttered out of a sudden he grabbed me and hugged me tight "I'm sorry.So,that's.."he started to say "Yeah.Kay,now let me go so i can try on the other.dress and clothes."i whimpered "Just buy everything!You'll look good in anything with that body of yours!"he laughed i went back andp put on the second dress.

*20 minutes later*

"So,what song are you going to sing?"i asked him as we walked around the mall "Oh,you'll see.Its a surprise!What kind of phone do you have?"he asked i blushed"Uh,just something to call people on.Nothing special."i whispered in embarrassment "Its okay.Come on."he said as he dragged me to a store."Woah!Look at all this stuff!"i said in awe."Buy a phone here!"he said giving me puppy eyes.I rolled my eyes "They don't work on me,styles!And since your my new friend i will."i said.A few minutes later and we were eating at a restaurant not to far from my hotel.When i came to the hotel it was 9:30!"Goodbye katie!"harry said i hugged him and whispered in his ear"Goodbye harry.Good luck in the X-Factor." and i ran to my hotel room.I grabbed a new pair of pajamas and slipped them on.I turned on the tv and a picture of me and harry was on the news "-And later today people tweet that they saw her and a boy eating in a fancy restaurant.Exactly-" and i turned off the tv."WHY ARE PEOPLE STALKING ME?!"i yelled in anger at the tv.My phone rang and the name:Harry,popped up in my new Iphone."He-H-hel-hello?"i sputtered "Hi,katlyn.Did you,um,see the news?" he asked "Yes." "Oh.Uh.They sorta consider you as a celebrity now."he laughed bitterly "Yeah.They sorta stalk me."i said fear in my voice "That's exactly what will happen to me if i make it into the X-Factor."he said.I smiled "Yeah.Good night harry." "Goodnight wifey." "WHAT?!" "Uh,nothing.I said Goodnight katie." "Uh,hu.That's what i thought you said."i replied suspiciously and harry hung up. I got under the covers and closed my eyes.Hope people stop stalking me soon!All i did was call my uncle!


Hello!What do you think harry ment by wifey?Haha!People are stalking poor kate.Good bye!

:D|(: Lucy

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