Doors [6]

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The rest of the day had been uneventful after the Abigail-Giselle throw-down. After Greyson had so chivalrously defended my honor from the evil Abigail I fled the scene. I had successfully avoided him the entire day, but for how long? I knew he was going to be persistent considering the sudden interest he had in my life.

Pats on the backs were received as well as ‘good job Giselle’s’. It was still odd to see how many people found my life interesting. All I did was stand up for what I believed in.

There was really nothing special about that. When I saw something I didn’t like, I spoke against it.

Students often saw me as fearless, though that was hardly the case. I was anything but fearless. If fearlessness came from speaking up then anyone was capable of the quality. But I was afraid. I was afraid that one day when someone needed me, I wasn’t going to be there and that may lead to their own self-destruction. My logic is a little flawed because not everyone would be treated as equals, but when you send a smile or a kind compliment to someone you could be saving them. They may look fine on the outside but on the inside they’re like a broken home. Nothing is going right but from the outside it looks ordinary and inviting. That’s all I really did, though. I simply stood up for those who couldn’t and complimented the insecure. It was all I ever did, but if that somehow labeled me as fearless or brave then anybody has the ability to do so.

I guess that’s why people labeled me as the peacemaker. It was an idiotic nickname, but that’s how they saw me. Some people believed that when I left, the school would end up in utter chaos and complete havoc, but that was hardly the case. If everyone treated everyone else the way they treated me, maybe, just maybe, our world would be a bit of a better place.

By the time lunch rounded about I heard my name being called by a masculine voice. I shut my eyes and counted to ten before I felt an arm drape over my shoulder.

“Hey there Gizzy.” He flipped his blonde hair while staring at me with twinkling hazel eyes.

“Hello Tyler.” I responded with a small smile, though I couldn’t help but feel the slightest amount of disappointment that it wasn’t Greyson. I guess the big oaf had begun growing on me as he continued to spend more time with me. I wouldn’t necessarily label us as ‘friends’ but he was rising to acquaintance rather than enemy. Though I am stubborn I am not unreasonable and if he keeps up the good work he may get on my better side.

“I have a question for you.”

Responding with a mm, I awaited his question. “Where did you learn to throw a football like that?”

I froze at the question. Greyson had taught me how to throw a football before he left me. He was into the whole football scheme at the time and he found it necessary to teach his best friend, who was a girl, how to play.

“You’d be the coolest girl ever if you knew how to throw a football, not that you’re not the coolest girl now, but you’d be even cooler,” he had told me. I spent the entire summer of second grade learning every tactic about football as Greyson taught it to me. Needless to say it was the best, and last, summer we had spent together. It was also the summer when I began feeling “things” for Greyson. I guess that’s why I was so bitter about our “break-up” if I may.

“Oh, you know. I have many hidden talents.” I answered cheekily.

“Well that’s pretty obvious. You’re pretty cool you know that?” I looked up at him as his eyes swirled with admiration and respect. We stood there staring at each other until a throat was cleared. Snapping out of my daze I turned towards the source. And there stood a very annoyed, very ticked, Greyson.

“Oh hey Greyson.” Tyler said obviously oblivious to Greyson’s irritation.

He gave him a grunt of acknowledgement as he looked from Tyler’s casually draped arm around me to my eyes. I watched his jaw clench as he took ahold of my wrist and practically dragged away from Tyler.

“Excuse me! What do you think you’re doing?” I shrieked as he pulled me out of the cafeteria. He ignored me and continued dragging me towards an isolated hallway avoiding the curious stares of onlookers. I stared at all of them in horror as I caught Andrea staring along with the rest of the students, though her stare held on to some sort of amusement.

“Andrea! Andrea! Help me! Call the police if I’m not back in ten minutes!” Andrea eyes widened at the sound of her name before she rapidly began shaking her head “Some friend you are!” I yelled as her figure grew smaller. I was suddenly jerked to the right and my back collided with a row of lockers, though I was much to preoccupied with being pissed angry at Greyson to acknowledge the fact that we were in a completely isolated hallway.

I looked at the rest of civilization as I began coming up with ways to leave this predicament. I guess Greyson is some sort of superhero and saw the wheels turning in my mind because his arms caged me in.

“Why have you been ignoring me?” He asked. I could practically feel his breath on my face.

“What? Ignoring you? No. Why would I do such a thing?” I mocked innocence. I could see his face growing irritated and I grinned seeing his face pull into a frown rather than his all-too-famous smirk.

“Damn it Giselle.” He banged his fist beside my head onto the lockers. I refused to give him a reaction and remained unfazed, though I slightly flinched when his fist connected with the lockers.

“Oh, using curse words are we now?” I knew I was pissing him off even more, but I couldn’t help it. He looked so funny mad. He looked like he was one of those babies in those cartoons that try to intimidate you, but look even more adorable than anything.

His arms fell to his sides as he backed away from me. “What were you doing with Tyler?” The change of subject was hardly subtle. If anything he was blunt.

“Why does it matter to you?” I quirked an eyebrow as he dragged his palm down his face.

“Can you please just answer the question?” He asked exasperated before adding under his breath, “It’ll give me a peace of mind.”

I ignored his last statement and sighed, defeated. “He asked me where I learned to throw a football like that.”

“Oh really?” I didn’t need to look at him to hear the smirk in his voice.

“Yes really, now if that’s all can I leave? I’m hungry and I will not hesitate to kick you in your family jewels Giselle style.”

“Giselle style?” He asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“Honey, you don’t even want to know.” I replied and shoved him further away from me. I flipped my pink hair over my shoulder, adjusted my shoulder bag and continued walking off into the distance not before I heard a, “She’s going to be the death of me.”

Oh Greyson, you don’t even know.


So, long time no see eh? I literally winged this chapter. Like I wrote half of this chapter a while back (actually like a month ago) but I was having mixed feelings about it. I actually did plan to have Greyson plant a smooch on Giselle this chapter but I thought nah. That could happen later. I'm not sure how long it is, but hopefully it's long enough to keep you content. I hope you enjoyed it my lovelies.

How do you guys feel about Tyler now? ;)

Giselle's revelation about feeling "things" for Greyson?

How did you like the chapter in general?


Oh, oh, oh! I've just recently uploaded like 6 new stories and it would mean so much to me if you could check them out.

♦ Aces, Tarjani

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