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Eunji's POV

I felt glad when Jimin said that he loved me. Well of course, who wouldn't?

"Eunji-ah," Jimin whispered.

"Hmm?" I looked into his eyes. Without saying anything at all, he lifts up one hand and cups my jaw while pushing my face closer to his. Few seconds of silence then he locks his lips with mine.

Our lips move in sync, as if we already knew what was coming next. In my mind, there was this thought. This thought that made me realize that Park Jimin was the only one I wanted. No one else.

He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I obviously couldn't deny. His tongue entangled with mine as the war began.

At the end, Jimin took over with dominance and won. After a few seconds, I felt his hands tighten around my waist as one of them caressed at the side of my hip.

"J-Jimin-ah~" I moaned as Jimin placed wet open-mouth kisses down my jaw and neck. Embarrassment took over as I covered my mouth and my eyes widened.

"Looks like someone can't control herself." Jimin mumbled. What are you doing to me you idiot?

"ShUt uP-" I couldn't even speak properly due the sensation I felt as he continued to work his magic on me.

"What's wrong baby? Can't resist anymore?" He gave a devilish grin. I nodded shyly.

"So cute!~" He squealed quietly as he suddenly pulled me in for a big hug, my head resting on his chest.

"Jimin," I mumbled.

"Yes baby?" He caressed my head.

"How did you learn to do all this.....since you're a merman and all....?" I was curious, after all of his magic tricks he did.

"There's something called YouTube you know. And also, you're my first love and the first one who made me feel this needy like damn Eunji-ah~" he smirked, making me blush super hard.

"Aish I'm glad to hear that....." I smiled managed to say before my eyes feel heavy and everything slowly goes pitch black.

Jimin's POV

I looked down to see Eunji dozing off. I felt guilty for bringing her here since she wanted to sleep so bad. Aish stupid Jimin.

"Good night baby I love you~" I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Zzzzluvyoutoozzzz" She mumbled softly. So sweet!

After a while I managed to get up and carried Eunji in my arms. As I walked towards her hut, I noticed that the light of the hut was on. Wondering on why was it so, I quicked my pace.

As I slowly opened the door, I imediately regretted it. There stood and grumpy and sleepy Jungkook with his hands on his hips. Oh shit.

"Mind explaining hyung?" He glared through his half open eyes.

"Wait a minute ok Jungkookie~?" I smiled my sweetest smile as I came closer and pecked his cheek. I need to distract this asshole so that he doesn't start nagging.

Jungkook's POV


And who in the world kidnaps their girlfriend at 2am in the morning and comes back at 3am just to drop her back? Isn't that creepy?

He entered the bedroom and carefully placed Eunji noona on the bed, all tucked in. He then turned to face me with an innocent face. Aish this hyung.

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