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The title says everything so yeah THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS CRAP I WROTEEE~💖🙏

I have a JJK fanfic called "I am Jungkook now" so you could check that out. 

Honestly I wrote this fanfic when I was 14 so cringey stuff is guaranteed and I was an amateur, my writing was too fangirlish lmao. 😂

I'm now working on another PJM fanfic called 'PARIS' and that, I can assure you is way better. Please check it out if you don't mind 👉👈🥺

Anyways lemme tell you this. I started writing Splash on the 25th of January 2019 and ended it on the 26th of December 2019.

So it's almost a year.....gosh that's long.

Also I hope this story was good enough and all......and I know I should be asking you for votes.....but then it's upto you. Whichever chapter you have liked, please vote hehe.😂😝

Thanks again and love y'all. 💖🙏💞


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