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I'll never forget the first time he ever touched me. It was one of the nicest days of the year. Mid-June to be exact. Tye uses my car during the day while I'm at work because his broke down. He's "looking for a job" while I'm working. Otherwise, he's using up all of my gas to go see his friends. It's annoying, but it keeps him from texting me all day long. This day, he picks me and my friend Toni up. Toni lives out west by us, and her cars broke down, so we give her a ride. As were passing all the gasstations and car lots down 38th Street, I glance over to see whatTye is doing. He's typing away someone on Snapchat.

"Hey babe, who are you snapping?"

"Oh, it's Meena. You know, my sister that just had the baby?"

"Let me see."

He shows me his phone, but all the other snaps are gone. I know this for a fact because two weeks ago, when I went through his phone while he was sleeping, I saw them all. Hmm, weird. I'll wait until after we drop Toni off to ask. The only reason it bothers me is because anytime I'm on my phone, Tye is over my shoulder watching what I'm doing. It doesn't matter if I'm talking to my mom or one of my friends. If it's a guy, I'm fucking him. It could be someone I've known my whole life, if it has a dick, I'm fucking him or have fucked him. Because, you know, I'm such a whore. He glances at me from the side of his eye, purses his lips, and squints. He knows I'm going to ask him something as soon as Toni gets out of the car. Approaching Toni's apartment complex, she begins giving directions to her building. When we get there, she gets out and gives me this look. Like, be careful look. Maybe she gets a weird vibe from him? We say our goodbyes and Tye pulls off.

Quickly turning to him, I say, "So, I know for a fact there was more to that conversation two weeks ago because I went through your phone. Where are all the messages? If she is just your sister why do you delete messages?"

"So, you've been going through my phone while I'm sleeping? Why can't you ever mind your fucking business? See, this is the problem with you." He slams his hands down and begins to grip the steering wheel. The veins in his temples are throbbing. His wide nostrils are flaring open to close. Wow, he looks like a fucking lunatic. What's his problem? The way he's reacting makes me suspicious. Moving to sit where my body is facing his I begin to say, "This is how I know you were talking to her about something fucked up. Why are you getting so mad? That just shows you were doing something." Feeling full of triumphant, I purse my lips and tilt my head to the side. Hands crossed over my chest, I just stare at him. "Are you going to say anything? Or are you going to sit there with that dumb ass look on your face?" He doesn't even utter a word. Tye slowly turns his head to look at me, and what happens next is like a blur.

"BITCH I TOLD YOU IT WAS MY FUCKING SISTER."  Shocked, I just stare at him with my mouth wide open. Tye's face is bright red and his hands are slightly shaking against the steering wheel. When I look over at him, he is looking straight towards the road and the anger is written all over his face. What the fuck is this guy's problem? I have never been okay with someone calling me out of my name, so I respond, "I don't know who the fuck you're calling a bitch, but it isn't me. Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me."


I feel the fingers instantly grab the back of my hair and smash my face against the dash board. He yanks my head back and I scream.            


I reach over and punch him in the side of the face. As hard as I could. I hear a small crack when my fist connects with the top of his cheekbone. I may be small, but I grew up with a brother. I had to LEARN how to defend myself. We lock eyes, and when I look into Tye's eyes, I see the deadest look I have ever seen in my entire life. His light green eyes have gone completely black. What. The. Fuck. My heart and mind are both racing. I can hear the beats of my heart all the way up to my ears. We're in a small 2005 Ford Focus, so there isn't anywhere for me to run to. Next thing I know, his huge hands are wrapped around my throat and he has index and thumb finger gripped on my windpipe. He's gradually squeezing hard and harder until the air flow is cut off. I can't breathe and the pain going through my neck is unimaginable. It's white hot. All I can see in my vision are stars. Like the stars you get from standing up too quickly. I don't even know what to do but grasp at his hands and try to pull him off of me. In case you forgot, Tye is almost two feet taller than me and easily 200 pounds heavier. I'm clawing at him, but it isn't phasing him one bit. As I feel myself slowly fading out of consciousness, he releases his grip.

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