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I hit my cigarette a couple more times before I even get out of my car. Fuck. I didn't expect Tye to be here so soon. This could get ugly, considering all the shit that has happened in the last twenty four hours. I flick my Newport Menthol out of the cracked window and pop the door open. Walking slowly up to the front porch, I stare at Tye. He has his jean shorts on and, per usual, his big black V-Neck. When I go to walk past him, he grabs my arm.

"Can we talk?"

He's gazing down at me with his pretty green eyes. It makes me so sad. How could someone who was once so sweet to me, do all of this? He has never once treated me like this before. Against my better judgement, I look up to him and mutter, "Sure..." I don't even know what to think. I'm scared. Sad. Very angry. All of these emotions wrapped into one. What if while we're talking, I say something that makes him mad and he does all the same shit again? There are still marks on my neck from him choking me. There's also a small clump of my hair missing in the back of my head. He better have a great explanation for what he did or I'm gone. Fuck this, I don't deserve this.

Tye doesn't hesitate to begin talking as soon as we're out of Robert's ear shot. "I'm really sorry for everything, Liz. I hope you know that." Tye reaches down to caress my face. We lock eyes and I can see the sadness in his eyes. Maybe he really is sorry. Maybe I'm just being a fucking lunatic as always. It's the main reason Darrin left. My mind is so frazzled.

"Did you fuck her? Look at what you did to my face, dude. I had to tell my mom they were hickeys so she didn't freak the fuck out!" I smack his hand away from my face. Fuck that, you don't get to touch me after everything you've done to me. Who does he think I am?!

"No, I didn't fuck her. I didn't even kiss her. What happened was, after I got shitty and left, Robert came and got me. You can even go ask him to make sure I'm not lying." He gestures outside like I'm really going to ask him. Scoffing, I reply, "Robert lies about everything. You really think I'm going to ask him shit?" Tye shakes his head and continues his story. "After Robert picked me up, we went downtown to Taps. At Taps, I ended up getting into it with some dude and got kicked out. When I was outside in the alley, Brooke and Michelle walked up and asked if I needed a ride. So of course I said yes. By time we got back to Brooke's house, my phone had died. I had no way to get ahold of anyone, so I just stayed there. I swear on YOUR KIDS I did not fuck her. I'm also really sorry for all the shit I did to you. I don't even know why I did what I did. I snapped. Please don't leave. I love you and those boys' like they are my own. I promise I will NEVER put you through this shit again. Please, just give me another chance." He's sitting in the big red recliner in our living room. The apartment itself is pretty bare. A small table for the boy's to eat at in the kitchen. The big chair in the corner of the living room next to the fireplace and a random ass TV stand with his computer on it. Tye likes to make music in his free time. He is sort of terrible at it, but hey, everyone needs a hobby I guess. He has his face in his hands, and will occasionally rub his temples. Every so often, he'll look up and stare directly into my eyes. It's one of the saddest expression I've seen him make.

"I don't know Tye.. I always told myself I would never let someone put their hands on me. In any way, shape, or form. What you did to me was fucked up! Then to stay the night at your ex's house. Are you trying to make me look like the dumbest female alive? Is this a game to you? What is really going on dude?!"

I'm semi-screaming. Waving my arms around, probably looking like a mad woman. I'm so angry now. I feel like he's trying to play into my feelings. Trying to make me doubt myself. I know what the fuck I saw. Not to mention, Brooke had hickeys all over her chest and neck. Nobody stays at their ex's house and doesn't at least kiss them. "I slept on the couch." Yeah okay, sure you did. Fucking liar. I begin to question everything that he has ever told me in my head. It all makes sense now why she continuously hit him up. No female is going to keep blowing up a guy who isn't give her some attention. What a fucking fool I have been. I'm so confused and I don't even know what to think at this point. The boys' love him. Tye accepts me and the kids. That is a huge deal for me. Not a lot of guys want to be with someone who has two children. What the fuck do I do now?

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