Part 1

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It was a beautiful spring morning when early morning the birds created a bedlam with their sweet chirrupings, the best alarm call for morning to come. In a huge house, which belonged To the son of one of the wealthiest families of India comes infront of the screen with a huge cherry tree topping the surroundings with its pink leaves. It was then that some of the leaves entered through a huge french window and fell on someone's face, disturbing his precious early morning. He woke up deciding to call it a morning. He stretched his hands wide into the air, bringing back his momentum and then opening his mouth wide open, he yawned noisily and the his gaze shifted to the other side of his bed to find it empty.

His eyelashes till now, which where sticking to his eyes as if they were in love twitched apart as if they had been electrocuted and pushing the cloth he had covered himself with he got himself fit into his slippers and rushed down the stairs only to be hit by another body which with even more force from his opposite direction banged into him, while he loosing his balance landed on the floor with the body on him.

He looked at the object only to find it have brown, hazel expressive orbs which were hell exhausted. 'Gauri' He exclaimed seeing the woman infront of him who was his wife since the past 4 months. 'So called wife' he said to his mind as a correction to the previous thought.

Gauri pushed him hard and got up. 'Tmhe dikhai nhi deta hai kya? Aankh hai ya button hai? See it will be better if you idiot dont touch me with those hands of yours. She said struggling hard to keep her feet on the ground, swaying her head trying to focus on him she managed to utter those words. While Omkara looked at her as shock drove him away. 'What have I possibly done in your life, that you fucking began drinking and not coming whom the entie night? he said as tears blurred his vision, while he struggled hard to pull them back and prevent the lumpp which was forming in his throat.

'How dare you even ask me that question you idiot good for nothing. A liability in my life. The day you have entered my life I feel someone is pressing my neck hard trying to suffocate me. Whenever around you I feel the count of my breaths going down' she said as a lonely tear left her eye. She pushed him away who was trying to give a shoulder to the over drunk Gauri. 'I can handle myself. I dont need any dominating man in my life to come and handle me or give me his shoulder. I and me are enough for myself. I dont need anyone in my life, especially not you she said pointing towards while trying hard to focus his image on her retina but failing miserable. Soon she wasnt able to battle anymore with her eyes while darkness submerger her into itself. She felt her knees going absolutely weak and fell down on the ground with a thud.

An already traumatised Omkara moved forward to grab her into his arms, he carried her up the stairs to their room, where laying her comfortable on the bed he called for the doctor.

The doctor soon arrived. He was a spectaculed man with a funny potruding,nose and huge eyes. He checked upon her and repeat telecasted the words he had uttered to her previously but this time with an even more serious look. 'I have told you MR. Oberoi before also that this much of over drinking for such a young girl means inviting death at an earlier age than planned by the almighty. She herself is longing and inviting her end. If this continues I cant even explain to you how drastic and wild the outcomes maybe. She might loose her mental stability, fail her liver or get some heart disease or the consequences can be even worser. I cannot simply define them. My work is just to caution you Mr. Oberi the rest is in your hands. Just remember precaution is better than cure, GOOD LUCK TO YOU' he left wishing him while Omkara unable to take in that much fell back, never did he know that in the matter of 4 months after marriage he'll get to hear this.

He sat down on his hufe armchair with a large muf of coffee in his hand, his only companion when sorrow was engulfing him into itself. He looked at her who was sleeping peacefully, snatching away his peace and solace. fingering his forehead with his thumb, he tried to calm down the severe headache that was forming in their in his head and the heavy weight of his heart made him uneasy. He felt as if someone was clenching his heart tightly seeing a girl 2 years younger to him, drowning under the severe addiction of alchohol. The girl who was his wife, had no self control over her when it came to drinking and partying, these were the only things she was vulnerable and helpless  infront of after her parents whom she loved limitlessly. 

"what would he answer her parents, that he couldnt take care of their daughter, after having her with him as the greatest responsibilty till now." his subconscious thoughts said to him taking over his entire head.

It was 4 p.m when Omkara returned to his abode after his day at his workplace only to find her awake sitting on the huge dinning place resting her head on the chair, staring at the ceiling like a dumb does. His footsteps approached her and she looked towards him, he looked into her orbs which as if were changing colours from dark brown to hazel brown and like an ocean conveyed  something which one would call thank you, for the favour he did to her this morning and had been doing since long. Omkara eyed her to come to the room, she like a quite,innocent puppy followed him, for the first time giving in to someone's command.

He said on the bed and waved his hand towards the empty space infront of him asking her to sit down, she sat down and like a kid looked at him. 

"What is up with you girl? What are you actually trg to do? Why are you tormenting both us ? I know that you never wanted to marry me? You had someone else in your  life, but don't you think you should make things work out between us and move on. It's been freaking 4 months and we have been living like mere strangers. You are killing yourself internally with your useless habbit of excessive drinking. Your demeanour will someday wreck both of us. You are young, beautiful and most importantly you have the zeal within you to live, then why purposely drive yourself towards your termination. Gauri give me once chance in your life. Give me a chance to be a part of you and I promise I'll wipe away all your miseries. I'll not let grief even touch you.

Gauri battled her eyelashes and looked at him incredulously as he spoke those words. Clapping her hands slowly she looked into his eyes fiercely like a tigress, his eyes which uphekld within them only concern and care wished a chapter of understanding from her side. But her decieptive eyes conveyed the complete opposite, the fault was'nt of her eyes. It was the fault of her brain which was taking everything negatively. 

"The way you took care of me I thought you arte a caring man. But no I got decieved by my subconscious. Dont you worry but, I have got o know you very well. You are among those kind of conservative man who believe that women can do nothing without men. You have problem with my drinking just because I am a woman, the representative of the family, a free servant as the society thinks of women to be." She said with anger blazing from her eyes. 

"You are taking things into a a wrong direction Gauri, I am just considered about your medical health. Pls try to understand." Omkara pleaded hard.

"Shut up! Dont you have any shame, you are using fake medical situations just to stop me from drinking just because it affects your family image, your image and most importantly your male ego. I will not stop drinking, I will drink and you will also drink with me today. Today we'll celebrate cause I got to know the real you Mr. Oberoi." Saying sio she dragged him down the stairs into the kitchen, where opening the cabinet she revealed a huge bottle of alchohol. She poured it careless in a glass and pushed it near his mouth and forcibly made him drink it. And then began gulping down loaads, he who now was drowsing hard due to the effects of alchohol could feel his vision blurring. He joined her in her crime of drinking.








This a short story will end soon. Me will update soon soon this time atleast this book😂😂❤. Mere exams bhi khtm h aur result bhi outs hii, islieyy!! Okayysss! Do vote and comment and yes pardon errors❤

thank you


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