Part 9

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Omkara looked at his 6 months pregnant wife, who sat on the bed caressing her belly and smiling. He noticed how with time she had changed, her all time sadness had turned into happiness. She had stopped looking back towards the past, true that she hadn't completely forgotten her twin he was there always with her in her and mind. But now he and their upcoming child had made their place in her heart. More than anything else In the world he adored how she sat smiling all by herself, which used to be earlier an absolutely rare incident.

She was now Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi, his wife. Who used to show her rights on him, while she used to return to him the same favours! He loved how she demanded from him how she revealed to him about her cravings, how she had begun to speak her heart to him. How friendly their relationship had become and how harder was her falling for her each moment. Just looking at her smiling face curved his lips to form a beam. He had begun loosing himself to his wife, to the selfish self centred lady who had an equally selfless personality held within her which he too found out on exploring her.

She wasn't a normal girl, she was different from the rest but most importantly she was his. The relationship that stood no where reached a point where Omkara used to listen her blabbering non stop for hours. A time when they began enjoying ice cream dates with each other, the daily walks with each other got them the solace. In brief the best moment for them Was The time spent with each other. Omkara knew how hard he had fallen for her and how she made him complete but never did he go to her or propose her.
"When a person is in love, words aren't the form of express, it is actions which show everything crystal clearly. I love her, and my actions should reflect them and not my words, I don't want to decrease the value of my unfathomable love by giving it the form of words" he said as his held a small tinch confidence in the pool of happiness.

"Omkara ji, baby wants to talk to you! " she said pouting while Omkara smiling replied "Achaa ji" understanding his wife's talkative mood is back.

He dropped himself on the bed beside his better half, and then lovingly held his hands, looking into her eyes "The baby or his beautiful mother? " he asked smirking !

"The mom you see! " said Gautier blushing. "Here have your bed tea madam!" he said handing her the cup which was kept on the side table beside their bed.

"Anyways the job of a servant suits you more than a businessman Mr. Oberoi " she said winking naughtily !

"I don't find any shame in being my wife's servant! " he said grinning. "Achaa ji" replied Gauri.

"By the way my servant, have you cleaned the rooms? Have you cleaned the washroom properly! See if you don't perform your chores properly then I assure you that I am going to just give half of your salary to you! The rest I will spend on my ice creams! " she said with naughtiness reflecting from her eyes.

"you are becoming very mischievous day by day Gauri! Like seriously servant. I am your husband duhhhhh ! Your param pati parmeshwar. You've gotta respect me! Above that all who gets such a dashing handsome husband who loves and cares for you so much. Go and thank God instead of counting my flaws! " he said.

"Hayyye ! What have you even told me to do? You are asking me to count flaws in my Mr. Flawless! And by the way mind it if you say anything inadequate about my pujya patient parmeshwar! " she said, not willing to give up the scene of pulling each others leg!

"pujya patient parmeshwar? Like What even? I think you are high right now my pregnant wifeyy! " he asked as he tried to understand why he had been called a patient.

"Don't you know all husband's are patients of the disease wife gulaameria" while both of them burst laughing at the invention of the new word in his wife's Oxford dictionary!

"You and your logic's are just out of the reach of my little peanut sized brain " said Omkara!

"The tea is pretty good! You've had a good practice all these months and I don't want you to ever get out of practice" she said smiling as he looked at his wife grinning, how from a sad soul she had now turned into a lively person. How straight in the morning she was pulling his leg.

Patting her cheeks slowly he went downstairs to get her breakfast
and then comes in your storm 😂😭😂😭😂😭😂😭😂

I am sleepy now yaar! I don't even know what nonsense have I written 😂😭😂😭😂😭😂😭😂. Tomorrow I'll come and read 👻👻👻👻. But I had plomished my Bonita aanya_mishra that I'll update before morning. However I never said it would be short or long 😝😝😝😝. So Bonita ji aaj ke liye itna kaafi hai I feel. Good night and mjhe sone do, Kal subah woh log mera khoon le jayenge 😂😭😂😭😂😭😂😭😂❤❤

Crazy ❤

Rikara SS: The Curse Of Love [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now