Part 12 (Last Chapter)

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Last chapter!❤

He helplessly sat on the ground, hugging his knees tightly. He hiccuped as slow drops of tears fell down! clenching his fists tighter, the weight of his heart increased ,his cheeks flustered and his eye lids flickered due to the constant rubbing and falling of those salty tears.

"My child" he murmured as he tries accepting the fact, that his child was no more. Despite pleading infront of Gauri, despite taking up all hardships for his child, he lost what was a part of him.

"I am a bad father, I am sorry beta" he said as his voice cracked. "I couldn't save you" he said as his eye lids lowered with embarrassment.

How much did he wish for a child. Infact more than her, he wanted the child. He wanted his baby to live. He had fallen to her knees and pleaded to her to let their baby live, but despite everything he couldn't save his first child.

"Ek baap ki zimmedari hoti hai uska bacha! Aur mai apni zimmedariyon mae haar gya hn" he said guiltily.

Nothing can be more painful for a parent than the feeling of loosing his own kid.

Lost in his own thoughts and dilemma, he looked towards a pregnant couple. The husband sat beside his wife caressing her belly with one hand and with a ball on the other hand. The ball slipped from his hand and rolling reached Omkara's toe.

He hurriedly wiped off his tears, as he saw the man approaching for his ball. Omkara got up and forwarded the ball towards the man. "Congratulations!" Exclaimed Omkara.

"Thank you so much!" The man smiled.

"You look worried? Is everything alright?" He asked, while Omkara replied "I lost my first child, my wife suffered a miscarriage" he said with grief visible in his eyes.

"I am sorry for you, my brother. Do take lots of care of your wife. She must be more affected, afterall she was the one carrying the child. Be strong man, you have to handle her and yourself." He consoled patting on his shoulder and left the scene.

While Omkara once again drifted away into his own thoughts. The man's words had made a huge affect on him. He didnt know why did he tell the man about him loosing his child, cause he was a man of less words, who didnt that easily Express his problems to anyone. Maybe that his grief stricken mind, just subconsciously blabbered it out to a stranger. Also the stranger's words ringed on his mind.

Afterall, she was the mother, mustn't she be affected? Also she would be dying of guilt for being the reason of the death of her own child and on top of that he instead of being by her side, left her alone cursing her and telling her how much he hated him. He remembered how harsh and sardonic his tone was towards her.

How instead of being her right hand, he cursed her! Which is not acceptable when you the love the other person. He got up and rushed into the hospital, through the lobby and into the room.

Entering the room, his eyes searched for her. She wasnt there on the bed, he saw her sitting on the ground with her head resting on the bed and her hands around her belly, which was now not as huge as earlier. She could feel the emptiness. Her eyes were red due to the  constant crying.

Taking slow steps he moved towards her and sat down beside her, and held his hands in hers. "I am sorry" he murmured to Gauri who in turn hugged him tight, wetting his shirt. Gauri felt drops falling on her shoulder as well. "It is me who should be sorry. I am sorry. If I hadn't been this selfish my child would have been in my hands. Mothers risk their lives for their child and I couldn't save my child's life, just due to my selflessness and carelessness. Omkara true that earlier I didnt want the child, But I swear on God I loved my child, I love my child!" She broke down.

"I know that he caressed her hairs. I know that you being the mother feel more pain than I am feeling right now. I dont know what to say, this was destiny Gauri! Humari kismat thi yeh. We both maybe weren't ready for a child and God must have thought we arent capable enough to handle the responsibility of a child and hence they snatched our little one from us" he tried to console both her and himself.

"But I want a promise from you! Henceforth you'll stop all your addictions!" He said sternly looking into her eyes.

"I'll leave all my addictions... except for....." she trailed off.

"Except what?" He asked.

"Except the addition of love. The curse of love is now my addiction. My only addiction, and this addiction I'll never want to leave. Yes Omkara, I love you! I love you more than I've loved anyone. I promise to you I'll leave every addiction except for this addiction called you! I am selfish, very selfish! But still you kept on understanding me, you kept on holding onto me, when the world had lost all hopes to bring me onto the right path. You were the only one who kept on trusting me, a person who is considered a curse! The entire fault of our child not being with us is mine, and forever I'll carry this burden on my chest.

You are right, we weren't yet up for the responsibilities of a child. We had way too many differences. The child he was on you for sure, he came into our lives, lit the Diya of love for us, and left us as silently as it never existed!" She said as she cried.

"Mai bhi tmse bohot pyaar krta hn! Aur pyaar se zyada mjhe tmpr aetbar hai aur tha, ki tum woh nhi ho jo dikhati ho. Tmhari khudgarzi mae bhi tmhari begharzgi jhalakti rahi!" He said as he pecked her forehead.

(I also love you alot! And more than I love you, I trusted you that what you show you arent that. Your selflessness also reflected your selflessness!He said as he pecked her forehead.)

"Gauri I want you to promise me a happy and life long journey now, no more installments of time. " he said.

While Gauri just smiled and held onto his hand tightly.

Not every person in life, comes with a fully flawless packaging in himself or herself. All of us hold within us negative shades and characters. Understanding and seeing through the positive points of a person is an indeed very tough job, but that's what one should see in a person. Love is not about romance, love is not about physical contact. Love is about understanding each other, holding hands during good and bad times. Love is never giving up on your partner, despite how bad the times are. Love is about trusting each other.

If the other person is selfish, our selflessness should be the medicine changing the person. All of us hold within us certain deep secrets, those secrets which make us dark as humans, and in turn cause the flaws in us to sharpen. So no character here was negative. Gauri was very much a good person, but she held within her darker shades, which is absolutely natural as a person.

Thanks a ton for being with me throughout this journey! This was a short story and with Gauri and Omkaras conciliation it ends here❤. I have not much plans of writing on Rikara further, so for now this is the last one. And Bin roye Ansu I'll try updating❤🤘.

Once again thank you and do drop down your views on the book and vote.

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