Part 4

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Gauri held Omkara's hands, streams of tears left her eyes, her cheeks began burning due to the constant explosion of fireballs through her eyes. But the heat of her heart was far more than her cheeks. Omkara unbelievably looked at her condition, the strongest girl in his eyes was sitting infront of him vulnerable, crying her guts out.

Like all she too had a story, a heart throbbing one. But one should not live a story without living the various emotions it carries.

Omkara pushed her fringe behind her ears, which had been disturbing her, and then caressing her face he asked her," Gauri I very well know that all is not good with you, pls tell me what is the problem. I cant promise that I will swipe away all your problems, but I promise I will always be there as an emotional support to you. I am here for you." He caressed her forehead.

Gauri began, "you may listen to me and support me but you will never understand how it feels when one's own goes very far away" she said with an emotionless and still face looking straight without blinking those lashes for a second. It was just periodically that some salty drops of water left their abode as she continued.

"I loved him more than I loved anyone else, I lived him more than I loved him. If I was the heart he was its beats. If he was the brain I was his thoughts." she said as more and more of tears made pass their way, and by now her eyes were red due to the constant strain on them!

Omkara gaped, as his thoughts about Gauri having some one earlier in her life was true. Her words made him realise that how much immensely did she love him.

Gauri continued " We were inseperable since birth but then death is inevitable" her voice cracked towards the end and she clenched the bed sheets tight as the pain was becoming unbearable.

"I hate him, I fucking hate him" she pointed towards the sky. "He took away my heartbeats from me, MY Gaurav from me" she revealed. She held her head in her hands as soon as she mentioned his name.

"Who Gaurav but-?" asked Omkara lost in her story!

"My brother, my twin brother, MY other half "said Gauri coming out of her self made shelter from her hands. Her vision blurred, when suddenly she began seeing him infront of her. Her Gaurav infront of her, she got up from the bed and ran towards him pulling him into a bone crashing hug, Omkara who was shocked by her sudden motion got up and looked at her. She was hugging the air. there was no other living soul except the two of them. Omkara felt as if someone had stabbed him straight into his chest seeing her so weak and broken.

He walked towards her and in a gentle tone called out "Gauri, pls relax, relax my girl he said." crying with equal pain as hers

But Gauri as if couldnt hear anything he said, she kept on blabbering"Why had you left your sister alone? You know na I can't live without you for a second and you left me for freaking 4 years. Leukaemia had hurted you alot right?" she said checking him out.

Omkara grabbed her by her arms and tried to make eye contact with her. "Gauri there is no one here." he tried to explain. But she pushed him hard, but in vain her body was too weak infront of that huge man. Her blurred vision clouded further and soon darkness submerged her into itself and she fainted. while he grabbed her into his arms.

He carried her into his arms and made her comfortably lay down on the bed, covering her with the duvet! He then moved to the Verandah were he needed some quality time with himself. He let out a deep sigh, "True though, everyone has a story. We look at it like a simple story but the characters living it know the pain. Also one shouldnt judge a person, because behind every act is a reason. No human is inhuman because he actually wants, cauz then he wont belong to the same species! Gauri, I never knew that behind that angry and stubborn girl always lay a broken girl, with so much within her. A girl waiting for someone to come and arrange those broken pieces for her. That void in your life I can never fulfil but I will try to create a new space for myself! I will give you the most golden chapter of your life Gauri. I will give all the love, care and concern in these 9 months." he uttered those words as cool breeze hit his face, making him close his eyes, to take in the shocking revealations she had made that day to him.

He looked outside and then towards his girl. He felt within him an unusual feeling of respect forming within him for her. It was'nt that he did'nt respect her before, he very much did. He respected all women, but then the respect for her now had increased threefolds and then closing the door of the verandah he entered his room. He sat on his bed beside her and then touched her belly, which was not yet that big! Happy tears left his eyes as he thought about his unborn child.


Will Gauri Accept Omkara?!

People do tell me how you find it and if any changes are needed. Also I will try to update Taqrar-e-ishq also today. Do vote and comment and keep loving me! Who will not love me afterall I am so cutee!

thank you




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