Part 6

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Gauri lay on the bed, void of energy, her shining eyes not having that sparkle within them, her face pale yellow.

The pumpkin faced doctor 'Kalyani Gupta' looked at Omkara with a grumpy face through her horn rimmed spectacles, which made her look more like a horse than a homo sapien. Omkara with one brow raised tried understanding the parabola of various emotions that ran through her face.

"Girl's are complicated" he uttered as slow as a whisper, he was not getting over with his wife's antics that the half horse looking doctor had jumped into the scene to increase the stress of the situation.

He looked at the doctor with his arms crossed then shaking his head in positive, he asked the doctor what was it.

The doctor highly annoyedly answered, " I would suggest you to get some knowledge about pregnancy, mood swings and etc etc and not call for the doctor every now and then, we doctors have ither important works, Mr. Oberoi!" "Idiot" she murmured ti herself.

Gauri who lay on the bed let out a light giggle covering her mouth with her palms, who recieved a confused look from Omkara.

The Doctor who was highly angryleft the scene to which Omkara just let out a sigh. "I need to work on ny pregnancy knowledge" he said scratching his head. "I am a very poor student, what will happen in my results, when the baby will be out? I have yo handle him alone" he gaped as a frown took kver his face that she was to supposed to leave them after 6 months.

Unknown to him, he felt his heart clenching and eyelids heavy.


Later in the evening, the duo went to a park, fresh air is good for both the mother and the child. After a thorough circling of the park Gauri sat on a vacant bench while Omkara sat on the soft grass, which sent tickles through his body, but the feel of sitting on the soft grass, which is slightly shaved into proper shape is one of the best feelings of the world.

The smell of the jasmine flowers, that grew in the corners of the park, acting like a fence were alluring and made one loose their senses. A fountain was situated in the middle of the park, amidst all these breath taking scenes, Gauri was lost looking at him. The man whom she apparently disliked, the reason which even she wondered behind not liking him.

She saw him looking at something really carefully. Amused, she shifter her gaze towards what had caught him so much engrossed. She found a child playing with his parents on the swing. With the child sitting on his Mom's lap on the swing, while The Father pushing the swing slowly from the back. The scene unknowingly brought tears to Gauri's eyes. "Why are you crying Gauri?" Questioned her subconscious, as her gaze lowered. Not being able to meet her own gaze she replied, "These are not tears,they are just salty discharge from my tired eyes" she replied to herself.

"I hope you get yourself to accept the truth soon,Gaurii" retorted back her subconscious.

Omkara who was over with survey of his surroundings now loomed towards his wife, who had tears in her eyes. He jumped up from the grass, then dusting his hands and clothes, he sat on the bench. Then holding her face through his thumb he brought her face to face his. Then concerned he looked into them, "why are you crying?" He asked.

"She must be remembering him" he said to himself and wiping her tears with corner of his thumbs, he held her hand and made for home.


It was night time when after dinner Gauri sat reading a novel im the bed, while Omkara sat on the window pane, looming at the moon, who at periodic instances got covered with clouds, but not without stealing glances to his wife. Gauri who could feel him staring at her at instances felt uncomfortable.
"Do you want to say something?" She said atlast breaking the silence and giving up waitinh for him to speak!

Omkara shook by it stammered ,"uhmm umm" then clearing his throat and taking a deep breath, he got up from the window pane and moved towards the bed. Then he sat down on the ground near to the bed,with his body resting at the bed, holding her hands into his he finally managed to utter, "will you be my friend till the time you leave? It is really awkward to live as complete strangers, so just till the time you are here can we have a mutual relationship of friendship between us. I know you dont like to be surrounded much by people, but I hope that this one friend, makes some place in your life for himself even though just for a short span" he said smiling.

Gauri smiled back to him, for the first time she replied softly to him. "Okay champu" she said lowering her gaze. Omkara flabstaggered with what she said slipped into a pool of thoughts where he began thinking whether he was hallucinating or she actually had called him Champu. He looked towards her for 5 constants minutes just to make sure if she was for real.

Gauri who was now absolutely irritated with his drama of believing and not believing looked at him incredulously ans then hit him hard onhis shoulder. "You idiot brainless creature!"

"Acha Gauri for once just pinch my arm once" he said.

"I would pretty much like to murder you instead" she said frustrated, then getting of the bed, stamping her feet she barged out of the room.

While Omkara stood brushing his hair with his hands, with his cheeks flushed and burning red.
"Ab manau usse mai!" He said patting his head, as he moved out still acting like a tomato.

He saw her sitting on the sofa with her cheeks swelled up due to anger, "Yo my potato!" He waved to her, only recieve a death glare. "Mamla gambhir hai" he muttered to himself!

He picked up a rose from the vase kept on the side table and like a love boy presented in front of her, "I have heard, that we should give one rose to the person, who is very special to you, ti convey to that person how much the person means to me. It is better to give one rose instead of a whole bouquet. Also I remeber Gaurav's favourite flowers were Roses!" He said beaming and moving about like a young teenager does to his girl friend.


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Ab itna bhi kch khaas nhi mai😂😂🤟😛

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