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Jeongin groaned as the bell sounded, signalling lunch.

He turned to Felix with a pout and handed him a paper, "It's my will. Don't worry, I allow you to take full custody of Carrot. Just treat him well and tell him stories of me when he is older."

Felix chuckled and patted the younger's back, "You aren't going to die. And I was wondering why you looked so determined when writing on your paper. I knew you weren't that excited about math."

Jeongin gave Felix pouty lips, "I am going to die. And no one is ever excited about math, unless you're some type of robot or just a nerd."

Felix shook his head and pushed Jeongin out the classroom, "Better hurry before he thinks you bailed."

Jeongin's eyes widened and he took off full speed to the roof, of course receiving judgmental looks, but we already established that literally no one cares.

Jeongin pushed the double doors opened with great force and almost fell. He straightened when he heard a chuckle, that sounded more like a grunt, and he looked to the blonde boy standing in front of him.

He gave a nervous smiled, "H-hey Chan.. You know, I like really don't want to die yet, so c-can I just say sorry and, you know, you could not kill me."

Chan shook his head, "You are so stupid."

Jeongin pouted, "Hey! I know, but that doesn't mean you have to point it out like that.."

Chan chuckled once more, and it actually sounded amusing. The older walked up to Jeongin and tilted his head. Jeongin's eyes were wide and his cheeks were a bright red.

Chan smiled slightly and patted Jeongin's head.

Jeongin's mouth widened and Chan pushed his chin slightly, closing it.

Jeongin started making weird noises and swatted at the air. Chan's brows furrowed and he stepped back, afraid he set something off in the boy.

Jeongin squealed and Chan panicked slightly, scared he was making too much noise. He grabbed the younger and pulled him into a hug, stopping his weird (but cute) actions.

Jeongin whined and hugged Chan back as he tried speaking, but failed as he stuffed his face in Chan's shirt.

Chan pulled away and gave Jeongin a look, "What were you saying?"

Jeongin looked to Chan with puppy eyes, "Why are you doing such nice and cute things? It's driving me insane! I though you were a bad boy.."

Chan chuckled and poked Jeongin's nose, "Well the "bad boy" actually has a soft spot, but," he leaned down and looked around as his finger went to his lips, "shh! Don't let the others know!"

Jeongin giggled at Chan's cute actions and placed his hand on the latter's head, keeping it there. Chan looked up and his eyes sightly crossed, "What's the meaning of this?"

Jeongin shook his head with a smile, "I was just wondering if your hair was as soft as it looks."

"Is it?"


Chan stood and straightened his leather jacket. Jeongin made a little jump, "Oh yeah! Why did you want me to come up here?"

Chan smiled, "I mainly wanted another hug, but I also wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch with me?"

Jeongin smiled and hugged Chan tightly, the latter automatically wrapping his arms securely around the younger's waist.

Jeongin looked up at Chan, "Let's get some lunch."

Chan smiled largely, making Jeongin feel weird emotions. It was as if the world slowed down and Jeongin blinked slowly.

Jeongin had never seen Chan smile before, but seeing it now blew his mind. He wanted to be the only one to see such a beautiful thing.

Jeongin jumped slightly and kissed Chan's cheek, then ran off, leaving the older with mixed feelings brewing within him.

Chan soon went the way Jeongin ran and made his way to the other. Once he reached him, he found Jeongin in the front of the school typing away on his phone.

Chan peered over the younger's shoulder, "Who is that?"

Jeongin jumped slightly and glanced at Chan, but continued typing, "Lixie. I have to let him know I didn't die and that he can't have Carrot."

Chan tilted his head, "Who's Carrot?"

Jeongin smiled and opened his gallery, showing the older pictures of a small tan pug, "Carrot is my dog. He is still a baby and Felix keeps trying to take him even though he has his cat, Stella. I put in my will that Felix could have custody of Carrot, but hey! I'm alive and well so Felix isn't touching my Carrot."

Chan chuckled, "Carrot is adorable."

Jeongin clicked and winked at Chan as he pointed at him, "You're smart!"

Chan shook his head and signaled for Jeongin to follow him, "Lets go, little Yang."

Jeongin pouted, "Don't call me that! Just because Hyunjin is my older brother, doesn't mean that I'm little Yang.. And I don't care that you guys are friends! I'm still Jeongin."

Chan ruffled Jeongin's hair, "I know you dyed you hair red, but I didn't know that you would be so hotheaded. Little Yang."

Jeongin groaned and pushed Chan lightly.

Chan stood in front of his motorbike and handed Jeongin his helmet, "We're taking the bike so hold on."

Jeongin smiled, "Heck yeah!"

Chan swung his leg over the bike, clearly used to this, and waited for Jeongin to climb on. Jeongin placed his hands on both sides of Chan.

Chan rolled his eyes and grabbed his hands, pulling them around his waist, "You have to hold on tighter unless you want to fall."

Jeongin's face heated up and he scooted closer to the older, holding onto him tightly and burying his face in Chan's neck.

Chan revved up the engine and drove off, the cool wind hitting his face as he smiled at Jeongin's touch.


928 words; 5.1.19

thoughts ?

if you guys ship nomin, you should read my book called "Cotton Candy" :p

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