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The two boys got off the motorcycle and Jeongin looked around.

The scenery was quite beautiful.

Jeongin looked back at Chan, "Where are we?"

Chan wrapped an arm around Jeongin's shoulders, "My getaway spot. Just follow me."

Chan led the two to the top of a hill covered in flowers with a willow tree standing tall.

Chan sat down and motioned for Jeongin, in which the latter sat beside him.

Their shoulders touched as their breaths matched.

The sky was a lilac color and had whisping, pink clouds littering the natural canvas.

Jeongin sighed at the beautiful landscape and placed his head gently on Chan's shoulder, scared he might break such a calm moment.

Chan reached over and grabbed Jeongin's delicate hand. He softly swiped his thumb across the younger's sunkissed skin.

The way Chan's pale hand looked with Jeongin's darker one was stunning.

Their hands fit within the other.

Jeongin focused on a pink flower as he spoke to Chan, "This place doesn't seem real.."

"You're right," Chan said, "but it doesn't need to seem that way. It makes you feel many emotions and that is something very special."

Jeongin spoke softly and his words held sincerity, "I don't know what I would do if I didn't hug you.."

Chan chuckled quietly, "That was a brave little move."

Jeongin hummed, the noise almost silent, as he only watched the swaying of the grass in the wind.

His eyes began to flutter shut until only darkness filled his senses.


Jeongin woke up in his own bed, his alarm ringing annoyingly, signalling him needing to get ready for school.

The blonde-haired boy stood up, waddling to his connected bathroom and he wiped his tired eyes.

The boy went about his daily routine until he was finished, some time to spare for breakfast after.

Jeongin sat at the table, eating a bowl of cereal as he scrolled through his phone.

He jumped in alarm when something was slammed in front of him.

He looked up with shocked eyes at his mother, dropping his spoon.

"Yang Jeongin. What have I told you before? Your teacher called me yesterday and said you've been having problems at school with other students. Not only that, but when you came home last night, you ignored everything I said. Also, when did you ask permission to dye your hair?"

Jeongin only shrugged a bit and continued eating his cereal, not wanting to fight so early in the morning.

Mrs. Yang sat down across from her son and pinched the bridge of her nose as a sigh escaped her lips.

"Honey," she said, this time without so much anger, "I'm worried about you. You've been hanging out with this 'Chan' character more and haven't been with Felix. What's going on?"

Jeongin placed his spoon down carefully and looked to his mother with tired eyes.

He let out a shaky breath, "God- it is way too early for this and I have school soon, but if you really wanna know, I'm gay."

Mrs. Yang blinked a few times, shocked by the sudden confession.

Jeongin took that as a signal to continue, "Felix told the whole school basically, when it was only him that knew. I was sad and angry.. Chan was the only one there for me- the only one who didn't judge and didn't tell everyone. He comforted me when I needed it. Felix hurt me.. I'm sorry if you're disappointed that I'm this way, but I can't change who I love. This wasn't some choice. I'm still your Jeongin."

Mrs. Yang stood and walked to her son. She quickly pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, baby. It must've been so hard. I'm not dissapointed in you, I still love you very much. Me and your father are only strict because we care.."

Jeongin's eyes began to pool with tears as he sniffled. He wrapped his arms around his mother's waist and let out choked sobs.

After a while, Mrs. Yang pulled away. She gave Jeongin a warm smile and placed her hand on his shoulder, "How about me and you have a day with each other?"

Jeongin's eyes shown, "No school?"

Mrs. Yang shook her head and Jeongin squealed.

He grabbed his phone, "I have to let Channie know, though."

Mrs. Yang laughed softly and ruffled Jeongin's hair, "He seems very nice. I can't wait to meet him in a couple days."

Jeongin hummed, "You'll love him."

Mrs. Yang sat at the table as Jeongin finished texting Chan, "Now I wanna know what happened with Felix."

Jeongin inhaled deeply, and then released it, "Well-"


773 words; edited.

thoughts ?

basically a filler for now :)

hug . jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now