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After the younger let out those choked words, Chan immediately slid in front of him and pulled him into his arms.

He hugged the small boy to his chest and ran his fingers through Jeongin's red hair.

"What happened?"

Jeongin only shook his head and gripped onto the older tighter.

Chan understood completely that the younger didn't want to talk about it and didn't push his limits.

Chan pulled away slightly and looked down to Jeongin, "You wanna go to my house?"

Jeongin looked up through big, watery eyes and a pout. He nodded slowly and Chan smiled warmly at him.

He stood and turned around, then lowered himself to Jeongin's level, "Hop on."

Jeongin stood and complied to the older's request. He climbed on Chan's back and was soon lifted into the air.

Jeongin moved his head further into Chan's neck, sending shivers down the latter's spine with every breath.

Chan let out a sad sigh once he felt a stray tear drip down his neck and the soft snores of the redhead, who had fallen asleep very quickly.

Chan didn't understand how someone could hurt the boy so much. Jeongin was always nice to others and never gave any reason to be on their bad side.

Chan walked out the back of the school, where no teacher went and many students went to skip.

As Chan reached the sidewalk just outside the school, he paused. It then occured to him that Jeongin hadn't had any problems, that the older knew about, until he came around.

Chan knew he had many admirers, and that they could be hostile, but never imagined that they would hurt the only person who dared to even try to befriend him.

Chan shook his head and continued to walk.


Jeongin woke up in warmth. The feeling of soft and heavy fabric and the smell of vanilla overtook his senses. He smiled as he smelled Chan's familiar cologne.

Jeongin sat up as he stretched and yawned, the white blanket slipping off his body.

A chuckle resonated throughout the room and Jeongin smiled sleepily and held his arms open with closed eyes.

Footsteps were heard and Jeongin soon felt that warmth and the smell of Chan's cologne again, except stronger and more welcoming.

Jeongin snuggled his face into Chan's chest as he hugged him.

Chan pulled away and left his hands laying loosely on Jeongin's small waist.

He smiled at the younger with a soft expression. He traced lazy shapes on Jeongin's waist and the latter looked down to his lap, not able to handle the way Chan looked at him.

Chan sighed and Jeongin looked at him with his head tilted cutely. Chan focused on nothing in particular as he spoke, "Do you mind telling me what happened today?"

Jeongin sniffled, alerting Chan immediately. The older's head shot up and looked at Jeongin with a panicked expression, "You don't have to tell me!"

Jeongin shook his head with a chuckle, "My nose is just stuffy, I'll tell you.."

Jeongin paused and drew a deep breath, "After our lunch, I went back to class. Felix wasn't there so I just sat by myself. Park Jimin, the girl, walked up to me. She tried telling me you were her's and I needed to back off. Of course I had to say something smart back and then she told me..."

Jeongin felt the tears pooling in his warm brown eyes and sniffled once again, then made eye contact with Chan and gave him a forced smile, "She told me no one would ever like a fag like me."

Jeongin shrugged, "I guess she was right.. No one even knew I was gay before, only Felix. He told her. He told Jimin, which equals the whole school, that I was gay."

Chan placed a hand on the younger's shoulder and the other hand on his knee, "Don't listen to her. All her words weren't true. I'm not her's, I'm mine. And she was wrong about no one loving you. I know we literally met today, but I love you. I can't say just yet that it's romantic, but it's definitely platonic. I hope you consider me a friend."

Jeongin let his tears fall once again, but this time they weren't of sadness. He was incredibly happy.

He hugged Chan warmly and whispered into his ear, "I'm glad we're friends and I'm glad that, for now, our love is platonic."

Chan chuckled and quoted the younger, "'for now', huh?"

Jeongin only shushed him and pulled away with a pout, "I'm hungry Channie~"

Chan ruffled Jeongin's hair with a laugh, "Then let's get you some food."


775 words; 5.15.19

thoughts ?

this was written on my phone so please excuse any mistakes. i broke my laptop charger so i can't write on that until i get a new one but i was dying to write again, so here's this.

hug . jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now