time to go

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Leos pov:

I really didn't wanna go but we had to move I was really gonna miss it here in Wales but I wouldn't miss anything else here, everyone hated me and it was all for the most stupid reason. I'm gay . I used to have friends but when I came out to them they all left and started to bully me ... really bad. I couldn't walk down the halls at school with out someone messing with me or hurting me, they always ganged up on my and crowd's of people would gather around and cheered them on. What was wrong them.
As I was packing my last few boxes I didn't know what to think. What was it going to be like in America? Who was going to be my bully this year? Ugh just the thought of it all starting over again.
We had to leave late at night to the air port but mom's work let us use their private jet cause they are the reason we're moving there anyways.

Time skip : on the private jet

"Mom can I have some lemonade?"
"Leondre Devries what are you doing up it's 3:55 am?" I think she was a lil mad but it wasn't my fault I couldn't sleep
"Ugh I'm really thirsty and I can't fall back to sleep." I sighed
"Well you may have some water."
After I had my water I fell back to sleep for another 3 hours untill the plane landed
"MoOoOm I dOnT wAnNa GeT uP" I was sooo tired
"Hahah I know you're tired but you need to get up so we can get to our new house and start to unpack you will need it for school tomorrow." I instantly shot up
" Why do I have school tomorrow!?!?"
Ugh how could this get any worse
"Well we were supposed to be here last week when I signed you up for the school so they would give you a week to get ready but be came a lil late, sorry leo." My mother looked disappointed in herself
"Hey mom it's fine, I'll make it work." I smiled and she smiled back. Now all we had to do is get Tilly up

Time skip: new house

We got out of the car and stood in front of a big grey house. We lived in town which I was used to but it was really different. From the weather to look of everything it was just way to different. I took all my boxes to my room and started to unpack. I guess they bought me new dressers and a new bed. Hm cool . I was beginning to like my mom's work. After I unpacked about 3 of my boxes I decided to take a look around the house. There were 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms .My mom let me and Tilly have the rooms with the bathroom connected cause she still felt guilty for making us move but honestly I didn't mind cause it took me away from all the drama and I could start over make a new happy life somewhere new. I was walking down the steps and I saw my mom getting ready and she was in a hurry.
"Mom what's wrong? Are you ok ?"
" Of course leondre! I'm going to go see Karen!" She said that with the biggest smile on her face. At first I was cunfused but then I remembered him. I remember charlie Lenehan I haven't seen him in 6 years since he had to move here with his mom. Our moms were always friends from when they were in college.  So me and charlie basically grew up together, we were the same age and before he left that day I remembered that's the day I realized I was gay and I had a huge crush on charlie and when he left it broke my heart even though we were only 10. I still loved him
" Honey would you like to come with me to Karen's house. You can see Charlie!" My mom basically yelled
"I-um- I need to unpack, maybe another time would work." I don't think I can handle seeing him again ...yet.
"Ok leo just call me if you need anything."
"And make sure your sister goes to bed at a reasonable time!" She said before closing the door and leaving in a rush.
I wonder what he's like now. Does he still look the same? How tall is he ? Does he still have a beautiful smile? I wonder if he's hot- I stopped myself there I can't think like that he used to be my best friend even though he's probably way different I still can't think like that. Shortly after I made sure Tilly went to bed cause you know this 14 year olds always stay up late on their phones. Then I went to sleep scared of what was going to happen tomorrow.

Charlies pov:

My mom was really happy for some reason I was really cunfused
"Yes honey what do you want?" She said with the biggest smile on her face
" Why are you so hap-" before I could finish i heard a knock on the door
"Who's that?" I quickly said but she continued to opened the door and it was
"VICTORIA!" my mom yelled
Omg I thought I forgot all about them I realized how much I missed leo and I wonder if he remembers me?
"CHARLIE!" Victoria yelled agiand came to hug me I laughed and hugged her back
"Wow you've grown so tall." She laughed and looked up seeing I'm a foot taller than her
"Yea 6 years surly will do things to someone." We all laughed
We all had dinner at the table but Brooke and dad were out of town for a month for Brooks soccer(football?lol) team tournaments
And out of no where we'll not out of nooowhere I've been this of him all night.
"Hows leo?" I blurded out
Victoria laughed again
"He's doing good... now that we've moved I thought it'll be better for him."
"Wait what do you mean?" I was worried  now
" Well you see leondre got bullied severely back in wales . He would come home everyday with new marks and bruises."
"Wait why!" I was mad now why would someone do that!
"Well I'll tell you only if you promised not to tell him i told you."
"Ok I promise" I barley yelled back
Well leondre is gay and once he told his 'friends' they all started to bully him and make fun of him."
"Wait l-leos g-gay" I couldn't believe it he was my first ever crush and it hurt me to leave
"Yes please don't tell him I told you and like don't tell anyone at your school" she begged
"Leos going to my school" I was happy now I was really excited to 'meet' him again.
Then I went to my room and fell asleep thinking about him. I wonder what he's like? What if he's hot-? Oh oh boy I think it's time to officially sleep now
Well he's the first chapter of Battle Scars. I hope you like it!
And again this is my first story sorry if I mess some things up haha❤️

May 1 2019

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