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Charlies pov:

After I saw that boy I couldn't get him out of my head. Then I heard the bell ring
I want to my first class which was choir. Alot of people didn't know this but I loved choir. I love singing and playing guitar and piano. Again no one knows in do this stuff but I do. People wouldn't expect the "bad kid" to sing and play instruments, right?

It was a normal day in our choir getting ready for our concert. I really wasn't exited for this concert and didn't wanna have it . Yes I love singing and preforming but not in front of people. The only reason I'm here is so I can pass and it's an easy grade. But for our upcoming project we have to have a partner and perform a song or duet on stage and I had no idea who I was going to pick.

Then out of no where someone came through the door . Wait! It's that boy.
What's he doing here I've never seen him before is he new ?
I was staring at him, he was perfection, total perfection.

And then the teacher yelled
"Why are you late!"
He looked horrified
She turned around and had a sorry look on her face
"Oh you're the new student I'm terribly sorry. Everyone this is Leondre Devries."

He must have seen me staring cause when he was glancing the room he stopped at my eyes still on him and looked down and wait? Did he blush? Eh probably just my Imagination. He wasn't gay and I'm almost positive on that.

Leos Pov:

Was he staring at me? Oh no I couldn't help but blush so I looked at the ground. I hope he didn't notice

"You may take a seat wherever you'd like."
So I decided I sit by Derik since he was the only person I knew in the class. I would've sat by that boy but I'm to nervous. You see I'm really bad a flirting and all that lovey stuff so
I sat by Derik and he smiled well that's a good sign I guess

The next 2 classes went by surprisingly really fast. Well they were math and history and now it was lunch usually I never ate lunch because at my old school I couldn't eat in the cafeteria with other people. I had to hide. Everyday. So I was imune to not eating lunch.
Then Derik came and sat by me and so did a few of his friends
"Hi leo, these are my friends Natalie and Jackson."
"Hey guys what's up."
"Nothing" they both said at the same time . It was silent for about 10 seconds after we all burst into laughter and then it suddenly stopped
What was wrong?
"Hey look the new kids hanging out with the gay kid and his friends"
A voice said behind me and I quickly turned around I didn't recognize him but I can remember him standing by that boy . Then he says
" Why don't you hang out with us instead of this gay dude." And that's when I lost it you see this was me last year people called me out and made other people hate me for no reason and I'm not letting that happen to him

I got up and said
"Do you have a problem that he's gay? Why the hell does it matter!? Just leave him alone!" I was in his face and he didn't seem to like it so I tried to get walk away but as soon a I turned around he spun me back around and Punched me straight in the face. I fell to the floor in shock not pain this wasn't even close to the most pain I've felt and he and the whole cafeteria started laughing and right when he thought he won I got back up everyone's stopped their laughing as I got back up he looked cunfused but he still haven't turned back around to look at me once again and I taped his shoulder and when he finally turned all the way around

I punched him but this time unlike me he didn't get back up. I got on the ground and whispered
"Don't mess with him or me ever again."
All he could do was nod his head
I got up and turned around to see Derik in tears and all I did was walk up to him and hugged him and that kids friends came and got him they all looked cunfused
"You just beat up Rick Lincon!" Natalie shouted
"He's the meanest kid in school!" Jackson Said
"Oh I guess he isn't anymore."
We all laughed

The again I cought myself look at that boy and after about 10 seconds of staring he looked at me but this time neither of us looked away and it stayed that way for about 2 minutes and he looked away. Why'd he look away?
"oh sorry I zoned out haha." I was blushing
"So you say you were zoned out but you were staring at Charlie and he was staring back at you like you were something to eat" he burst out laughing
Wait what did he say?!?!
"Wait whats his name!"
"Oh yea thats Charlie Lenehan he's the schools "bad boy" but I don't think he's really that bad just his friends and other than he's really hot-"
I cut him off
"DID YOU JUST SAY CHARLIE LENEHAN!" oops I think I said that way to loud cause now everyone was staring at me... Again

And that's when Charlie got up and started walking towards me and noooow everyone was staring at him

Man this is way to much for my first day here

As he got closer and closer I got even more  nervous and a million questions filled my mind. Does he remember me ? Is he going to hurt me? What's he going to do?  What does he want?


What's Charlie going to do to leo? Should Leo be scared of what happens next? Or no?

Btw thank you so much for reading ❤️
- Shelby x

May 3 2019

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