New school

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Leos pov:

I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 am as usual... I turned if off as usual... And it went on again after 5 minutes and I finally got up. I took a shower brushed my teeth as if it was a normal day but then I remembered I had to start all over. Today I show who I am at school and I know it won't be easy it'll be really frustrating and annoying and  well you know I can't tell people I'm gay yet maybe next year? That would be to long of a wait maybe in 2 months? I don't know.

As I was finally put on my outfit for the day I looked in the mirror "wow I'm ugly" I thought to myself. I never really had a good self image of myself I've always looked at myself as gross or ugly. I finally decided to go down stairs and eat breakfast it was now 7:30.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hey honey you need to hurry up or you'll be late for school."
"What time does it start?"
"You have to be there by 7:45."
"Oh man! I gotta go!" I grabbed an apple and ran out the door.
My sister doesn't start until later cause she's still in middle school and I'm in highschool

As I was running down the streets I realized I didn't know where the school was. I just started running the way where I saw other kids walking I finally saw the front door and ran in. By this time I was gasping for air. I looked up to see about the whole hallway stopped and eveyone staring at me. Oh yea I'm the new kid. I was now walking trying to find my way to the office and as I turned the corner I bumped into this boy.

"Oh I'm so s-sorry I-I didn't mean t-" I was still out of breath and I didn't know what to say.  Then he stopped me from going on
" Hey, it's ok. You're the new kid right ?" He said and smiled
"Um yea." He helped me up off the ground and picked up my stuff for me
"Thank you so much."
"No problem. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Leondre Devries-" I stopped at a small glimpse out of the corner I see the most beautiful guy I have ever seen but I didn't want to make it obvious that I kept looking at me but then when I looked the last time I saw him look straight at me and I didn't look at him again. Who was he? And why is he so beautiful?

"Heeeloo leooo." I forgot he was talking to me oops
" Oh uh yea sorry I zoned out, what did you say?"
"Do you need help with anything?"
"Actually yea can you take me to the office I was trying to find my way untill I ran into you." Why was kinda embarrassed I don't know why though

"Oh I'll take you down there real quick and my name's Derik. We should hang out."
"Yea that would be cool I don't really know anyone here yet."
"Well no kidding you've been here for 10 minutes." We both laughed
He then continued to take me to the office where I will get my schedule.
When we got there we walked through a pair of really tall doors and the lady at the front desk looked annoyed.

"what do you kids want." She rolled her eyes
"U-uh im leondre Devries I'm new."
"Ohhh leondre! Welcome!" She smiled pretending that she didn't just roll her eyes at me. It didn't really bother me So i let it go
"May I have my schedule please."
"Of course Mr.Devries right this was."
I followed her into her main office and the school bell went off
"Oh no I'm late for class" I mumbled to myself
"It's ok I'll give you a pass" she hands me my schedule and starts writing on a small peace of paper and hands that to me also

"I'll show you where your class is, you have choir first "
Ooo I like choir, I love music so much and that's part of the reason why I love choir
When we got to the door she smiled and left. She left !? What do I do I go wanna go in alone ughh
After about 20 seconds of decision whether I should go in or just go hide in the bathroom I decided to go in

I opened the door and eyes were instantly on me. All I saw in these peoples faces were cunfusion? Anger?? And that's when I saw him.
It was that boy . He? Was he?... staring at me. I quickly looked away I know he  saw me look at him and he doesn't look all that nice and sweet either but... He's ... Hot. Then I walked up to the teachers desk

But before she she saw me she said
"Why are you late!" Then she turned around
"Oh youre the new student I am terribly sorry. Everyone this is Leondre Devries"

Charlies pov:

It was a normal day so far school started in 20 might and I was just by my locker with my friends.
You see here I am known as the big bad guy that bullies other kids that are smaller and weaker. But honestly I'm not only my friends do I don't understand why but they do so basically everyone feared me and to make that matter worse I was the quorter back on the football team.

I was minding my own business and that's when I saw him. He had kinda long hair down to his ears but his head was also shaved on both sides. He looked lost. Is he new? Then he looked at me while I looked at him it felt like 10 years staring into his brown eyes but then he started running again and as he turns the corner he ran into somebody but I just decided to go but I couldn't stop thinking about him. Who was he?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter x What happens when Charlie finds out who this mysterious boy is? How will leo react? Find out in the next chapter! <3

-shelby <3
May 3 2019

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