chapter 6

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Leos pov:

It wasn't a long walk home it was probably about a ten minute walk at my old school I had to walk 20 minutes just to walk home after school.

When I finally got home I burst through the doors
"MOM IM HOME" I yelled so she could here me
Then I see my her walk in looking happy as can be
"Hey mom whats up, why are you so happy?" What did she have planned
"Well you know the Lenehans?"
(A/n I know they arnt all Lenehans but just role with it)
*Of course I do. Why?"
"They invited us all to their house for dinner!" Now she looked even happier

All I could think of was the kiss Charlie and I shared and how was he going to act when when I go to his house.

"That sound great mom."
I put on a fake smile and went up to my room and about a half hour she yells up to my room

Ugh I guess I have to look decent. So I pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and a grey hoodie cause you know, that's the usual.

Even though I was horrified to go to Charlies house I was also really excited cause I really want to become friends with him but also a part of me also wants to be more than friends but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

"LEONDRE LETS GO" mom yelled

"Ok mom I'm coming" I quickly put my shoes on and I was out the door

"Leo are you excited to see Charlie again I know you haven't seen him in awhile"

"Actually me and charlie saw eachother earlier."

" Oh what did he say? What happened? Did her recognize you?" She sounded surprised yet happy

"Mom nothing happened we just said hi." Obviously I was going to lie I was definitely not telling her what happened in that locker room

"Well thats sad you guys used to be best friends." Awe now she's sad

"It's fine we've just been apart for some time Im sure we'll work things out soon." Now she was smiling which made me smile

About 2 minutes later we were there and now I was nervous again. We walked up to the door and knocked and right after Karen answered.

"Hey guys come in." She had the biggest smile on her face and now I know where Charlie got his beautiful smile from

We walked into a beautiful dining room with a large table in the mirror and at one side sat Brooke and on the other day Karen my mom sat by Tilly so I guess that leaves me one option.

I had to sit by Charlie. I dont know if I should be excited or scared

He was already staring at me which made me blush I didn't realize how long I was just standing there blushing until I realized every one else was staring at me and now my whole face was on fire but I had to try to control it so I just looked at the ground and walked to me seat

"Hey leo how are you?" Karen asked

"I'm fine, I'm happy to see you guys again it's been forever."

"We're happy to have you back."

We are our dinner in silence until I was swallowing my food and all I felt was large hand grip my thigh. Obviously this caught me by surprise so I ended up choking on my food.

*Cough* *choke on food* cough*

"Oh my god, Leo are you ok?" My mom was cunfused

I eventually cought my breath and made it even again and I was soon ok

" Yeah I'm fine now."

"How'd that even happen? What did you do?"

Well I definitely not telling her Charlie grabbed my thigh

"Well i-uh-

"He realized how beautiful I was."
Charlie blurted


Everyone just sat there trying to comprehend what Charlie just said

"Well I'm hope you know already Leo is gay too but don't tell anyone yet he's not really open about it and had issues when he told people the last time so keep your mouth shut please" well my mom was straight to the point

"Of course I wouldn't tell anyone otherwise you don't have to worry mrs.devries ." Charlie seemed scared awe cute

"Oh please don't call me Mrs. Devries it makes me feel old call me Vic"

"Ok thanks mrs-  Vic"

we continued to eat until we were done and Tilly went to hang out with Brooke and mom went to hang out with Karen so I guess that leave me and charlie. Again

"Would you like to come to my room we can play games or watch Netflix."
Charlie sounded nervous to invite me to his room he's adorable

"Sure I'd love to" I finished with a light laugh

He was smiling now oh boy I have I did get him to excited

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the steps and when we were in the part of the steps that no one could see us he grabbed my hand at first I was hesitant bit then I gave in and linked our fingers

"So this is my room wanna play Video games"
he was being extra loud and I was really cunfused

"Just act really excited and yell yes" he whispered in my ear

So I played along and said
" Yes I would loove to play video games!"

"Good job now our moms won't get suspicious and come up here" he was still whispering

"Wait why would it matter if our moms came upsta-

I was cut off my his lips colliding with mine and i didn't realize but I was pushed against the wall but I didn't care cause I knew right know this moment I was happy


Sorry it's been long since I updated
But i promise this time I'll update more
955 words
June 23 2019


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