Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The guys find Tony and tie him to the pew at the warehouse. Bishop reached out to Galindo and Nestor found him and delivered him. Walking into the warehouse, Bishop greets Galindo and Miguel asks "Can I ask why you needed him found?" Bishop motions EZ forward and says "This fucker beat the shit out of the Prospect's girl. Thought he needed a little lesson on how to treat women." Miguel nods and looks at EZ and says "By all means." EZ steps forward and smacks Tony awake. "Wake up you stupid fuck." Tony opens his eyes and glares when he sees EZ. Tony goes to speak and EZ punches him in the mouth. "You don't speak. You listen." EZ says and Tony glares at him but doesn't speak. "You will never lay a hand on my girl again. Aria is with me and there's nothing you can do about it. After I'm done with you, I'm going back to my girl and showing her how she should be treated. Spoiling her. But you? You will be in a deep grave in the middle of the fucking desert." he says before taking the tools that Miguel's guys set out for him and he tortures Tony before killing him. Once he's dead, Miguel says "We'll clean up here if you want to handle what's left of him." Bishop nods. EZ holds out his hand to shake Miguel's and says "Thank you." Miguel nods and says "I wish your girl a speedy recovery." EZ nods and they go about getting rid of the body.

Once they bury Tony, they come back to the clubhouse and I am sitting on one of the couches. Letti is sitting on one side of me and Heather on the other. When the guys walk in, Letti walks over to Coco and Heather walks over to Angel and Angel kisses her softly. EZ walks over to me and sits beside me. He cups my face and kisses me softly and says "He'll never hurt you again." I know that means he's dead but I don't care. "Thank you EZ." I say. He stands up and holds out his hand and says "Let's head to bed." We head down the hallway and into a dorm and he closes and locks the door. Leading me to the bed, he helps me sit down and grabs my overnight bag. Getting me a change of clothes out, he helps me change before helping me into the bed. Laying down with me, he holds me close and says "I made sure he knew that you were with me and that I was going to show you how you should be treated." he tells me. I look up at him and say "Thank you. Seriously." He kisses me softly and I start to pull him to hover over me and he asks "You're not hurting too bad?" I kiss him again and whisper against his lips "Just go slow." We start to shed clothes and he enters me slowly and makes love to me nice and slow all night long before we both fall asleep in each others arms.

Waking up the next morning, we get up and he helps me into the main room. I take a seat at the table next to Heather and Angel asks "How are you feeling?" I smile softly and say "Better. Sore but moving a little better this morning." He smiles at me and says "Good." before he kisses the top of Heather's head and she snuggles into him. I can't help but smile. EZ sits next to me and brings over two plates and Letti is behind him with two cups of coffee. "Thank you." I tell them. We eat and then EZ says "When you're ready, I'll take you home." I look at him and he says "We can watch a movie or something." I nod and finish eating my breakfast. Before we leave, I look at the guys and say "Thank you. All of you." They all nod and Bishop walks over and says "You're one of us now. You need anything, you call." he tells me and I smile at him and nod. EZ and I get to my house and we lay in the bed the rest of the day, snuggled up, watching movies and just being together.

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