Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pulling into my driveway, he follows me up to the door and as soon as we are inside and the door is locked, I drop my keys into the bowl on the table and he follows me into the kitchen. "You want another beer?" I ask and he nods. I get us both a beer and he leans against the counter. He takes a drink of his beer and puts it on the counter next to him. "Come here Bello." he says. I walk over to him and he takes my beer from me and puts it on the counter next to his and pulls me to him. Wrapping his arms around me, like we've been doing this our entire lives, he leans down and kisses me softly and I melt into the kiss. He turns me around and picks me up, placing me on the counter and steps between my legs, pressing himself up against me. He starts kissing down my neck and it feels amazing. It's been a long time since someone made me feel like that. Even being with Tony it didn't feel like this.

I start pulling his kutte down off his shoulders and he takes it the rest of the way off and places it on the counter beside us. I start pulling at his shirt and pull it over his head and see just how well built he is. "Holy fuck." I whisper. "Like what you see Bello?" he asks. "You're alright I guess." I say rolling my eyes. "Just alright huh?" he asks as he starts pulling my shirt over my head. Looking at me, he says "Well, you are definitely better than alright." I blush a little and he kisses me softly before asking "Where's the bedroom. You deserve better than this." he says. He puts me down and I take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Once we get to the bedroom, I pull him to the bed and lay down and he hovers over me. We start to shed clothes in between kisses before he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slow and steady he spends the entire night giving me more pleasure and making me feel more wanted than I have ever felt in my life before we both find our release and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Waking up the next morning, I am on my side with my back to EZ and he has his arms around me. I go to slip out of bed and he holds me closer. "I gotta pee baby." I say and he lets me up. I do my business and climb back into bed and snuggle into his chest and his arms immediately go back around me. He tilts my chin up and kisses me softly. "Morning Bello." he says. "Morning handsome." We look at each other for a minute and he asks "Do you have plans today?" I shake my head and say "Nope." He smiles and says "Good. Thought we'd get breakfast and go for a ride." he says and I smile softly. "I'd like that." I tell him. "You said you used to ride before. Can I ask who you rode with?" he asks. "I used to ride with my godfather before he passed. I've been on the back of his fatboy most of my life." I tell him. "You miss it?" he asks. "Everyday." I say. "Well, maybe we can change that." he says and I look at him and ask "Thought this was a one night stand?" He smirks and says "Not my fault I can't count." before kissing me softly and I can't help but laugh against his lips. "You good with that Bello?" he asks. "You keep calling me beautiful and I'll pretty much agree to anything." I say and we both start laughing. "I'm gonna remember that." He says.

We get up and start getting dressed when there's a knock on the door. "Can you get that?" I ask EZ while I put my boots on. He opens the door and sees Tony standing there. "Can I help you?" EZ asks and I hear Tony ask "Where's Aria?" EZ says "Where my girl is isn't your concern." and I can't help but smile. I walk up and put my hand on EZ's back, letting him know I'm there and I step in front of him. He wraps an arm around my waist and I ask "What do you want Tony?" He glares at me and asks "You really with him?" I roll my eyes and says "It would appear so. What do you want?" I ask again. "You need to make this fucker leave before I call the cops and have him removed." He tells me. "You can't do that. You don't live here." I say. "My dad's best friend is a judge. I can have him removed." he says. "You can't do that." He smirks and says "I can do whatever I want." he tells me and I roll my eyes. "Then do it." EZ says. We walk back inside and close the door. "I am so sorry EZ. Look, if you want to go, I'll handle him." I tell him. "I'm not going anywhere Bello. He's not going to scare me off." I look at him and shake my head. He pulls me close and kisses me softly when there's another knock on the door.

Opening the door, we see two police officers standing there. "There's been a report of a trespasser." one of the officers says. I start laughing and say "The only one trespassing is Tony." I say. "He says that you and him live together and he's asked your friend to leave several times." the other officer says. I shake my head. "I can get my deed out of my safe and show you that Tony's name is nowhere on this property. Tony and I broke up and he has never lived here." I tell him as one of the officers follows me to the home office and I get into the safe and get the deed out for him to see. Walking back out to the living room, I say "Last night, I went out with friends and ran into Tony. He was kicked out of the bar and told me to come with him. We aren't together and I didn't show up to the bar with him but he expected me to leave with him. After he was kicked out of the bar, he was texting me about me leaving with him and then when I went outside at the bar, he grabbed me and tried to make me leave with him. As a matter of fact EZ was the one that stopped him from forcing me to leave the bar." I tell the cops. "So what happened this morning?" one of the cops asks. "We were about to leave to get something to eat and go for a ride and Tony showed up telling me that I needed to make my guest leave or he was calling you guys." I tell them. We all walk outside, and one of the cops says "We need to hear from you Ms Lupton, which of these two men have your permission to be here?" I look at the cop and without hesitation say EZ does. I don't want Tony anywhere near me." I tell them One of the officers turns to Tony and says "You are to stay away from Ms Lupton and her friend." he tells Tony. He turns to me and says "He shows up again, call us." he tells me and I nod. After the cops leave, EZ looks at me and says "Come on." We head to the bike and before we get on I say "You realize you called me your girl right?" He smirks and says "I know. Now, let's go." I put on my old helmet and he puts his on and we head out to the diner to get something to eat before taking a ride and spending the day together just talking and getting to know each other a little more.

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