Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

***Twenty Weeks Pregnant***

Sitting in the exam room, waiting on the doctor, I am sitting on the exam bed and EZ is leaned against it next to me. "What are you hoping for?" I ask. "Just a healthy baby. I'll be happy either way." he tells me. "Suck up." I say and start laughing. "Seriously. I feel the same way." I say. The doctor comes in and says "Vitals and weight looks good. How are you feeling?" she asks. "Good. Morning sickness is gone." I tell her. "Good. Let's do the ultrasound. Are you wanting to know the gender?" she asks and we both say yes. She puts the gel on my stomach and the moves the wand around and we hear the baby's heartbeat. Moving it around a little more we see our baby on the screen. "Oh my God." I say as I cover my mouth. "Look EZ." I say. He kisses me softly and whispers "I love you." I whisper it back and the doctor says "Everything looks good. Now let's see if we can tell what you're having." she says. "Any guesses?" she asks. "Boy." EZ says and I smirk at him. "Girl." I say. She moves the wand just a little and says "Looks like Daddy's right. A boy." she says and we both smile.

Heading into the clubhouse, the guys see us walk in and asks "What did the doctor say?" We smile and say "It's a boy." They all start cheering and Bishop says "Congrats guys." I look at EZ and he nods. "Bishop, Angel will be his uncle but we were wondering if you would be his godfather?" I ask. He kisses my cheek and says "I would be honored little one." and we all smile. Chucky starts passing out shots and hands me a bottled water. Bishop holds up his shot and so does everyone else and he says "Here's to a happy and healthy little boy who I am sure will keep us all on our toes." We all start laughing and they all take their shots. I start rubbing my stomach and feel him kicking. I grab EZ's hand because he has never felt him kick and put his hand to my stomach. He kicks EZ's hand and his eyes go as wide as his smile. "He kicked me." he says and we all laugh. The guys come over one by one and put their hand on my stomach and he kicked all of his uncle's. "Look at him high fiving us. He'll be wearing a kutte in no time." Angel says. They all look at me and I say "Do we need to order it now?" I ask and they all start laughing.

After we head home, we are lying in bed and EZ asks "Would you be okay if he followed in my footsteps?" I look up at him and ask "Why wouldn't I? EZ you were already with the club when I met you. His family is full of men that wear that same kutte. If he follows in your footsteps, I'm fine with that. I'll even support it. You are all good men. Never doubt that babe." I tell him and he smiles before kissing me softly. "I love you." he tells me before putting his hand on my stomach and feeling our son kick him. "I love you too Papi." I say as he smiles against my lips.

I hear EZ's soft snores and I know he's sleeping. I feel our son moving around and can't get to sleep so I start rubbing my stomach and thinking. The more I think about things, the more awake I am. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen for something to drink. I must have been there for a while because EZ comes in. Taking my hand, he helps me stand and takes my seat before pulling me into his lap. "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah baby. Just couldn't get comfortable. He's moving around a lot." I tell him. "What were you thinking about?" he asks. "Just making a mental list of what we need for him." I tell him and he looks at me. I cup his face and say "I promise baby. I'm good. I'm so fucking happy. But your son better chill out and let me sleep some." I say and he starts laughing. "Let's head to bed. I'll rub your stomach and see if we can't get him to sleep.

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