Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

That evening, we head to my house with Angel, Coco and Gilly following. When we walk in the door, I get them all beers and Angel asks "What did you want to talk about Aria?" I look at EZ and he starts talking. "When Aria and I went to my camper today, Emily was there. Her kid is missing and she wanted me to help. I told her to go to her husband." EZ says. They all look at me and I say "He told me. We don't want any secrets between us and if EZ has been taking care of me, so now it's my turn to take care of him and that includes you guys too." I tell them and they nod. "What are you thinking?" Gilly asks. "What if there was a way to bring the los olvidados and Galindo together and Emily's baby make it back safe?" I ask. "How would we do that?" Coco asks. "I have an idea if you're willing to listen." I tell them. They all nod so I go on telling them my plan. "EZ said that she has a few bricks of his coke. What if she has him meet her across the border, talks him into working something out, whatever she's wanting the terms to be and gives him his son." I say. "How is that going to guarantee that he will help her?" Gilly asks. "Because the blanket that the baby will be wrapped in, will be lined with coke that they will find when they check the blanket when he is randomly checked." I say. "How are we going to set that up?" Angel asks. "Because my cousin works for border patrol and I can get him to do it. And if what EZ tells me is true then Galindo will bring the club in as the middleman to keep things fair. No one has to know you guys were already helping her." I say and they all look at me and smile. "That might work, Bello." EZ says as he pulls me close, kissing my temple.

After we get the rest of the details together, Angel says that the will take it to Adelita the next day and that they think that it might work. They all kiss my cheek as they see themselves out and EZ pulls me closer and kisses me deeply. "You are fucking amazing." he tells me. I shy away. "Don't do that. Don't shy away. Own it. You are fucking perfect." he tells me as he looks into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his neck as his arms are around my waist. "Thank you." he whispers. I look at him confused and he says "You didn't have to help us. But you are. If the club found out we were helping her..." he says and I cut him off. "I won't let anything happen to you EZ. Ever." I tell him and he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Carrying me to the bedroom, he lays me down and we start to shed clothes before he makes love to me gently. When we both find our release, he pulls me into his side and I just lay there and listen to his heartbeat.

Waking up the next morning, I have my back to him and his arms are around me. I feel him place soft kisses to my shoulder and I can't help but smile. I turn in his arms and move him to lay on his back as I straddle him. "What do you want Bello?" he asks. I lean down and whisper in his ear "I want my man to fuck me." I hear him growl softly before he turns us over and enters me slowly. Once he gives me a minute to adjust to his size, he starts the thrust in and out over and over, hard and fast and I find release after release before he finds his inside me.

Getting up and dressed, I go to the kitchen and he says "Let's go to breakfast and then I want to take you somewhere." he tells me. We head out to his bike and head out to the diner. Once we eat, we head out and pull up in front of a butcher shop. We get off his bike and head inside. "Hey Pop." I hear EZ say and my eyes go wide and he just smiles at me. "EZ, what are you doing here?" Felipe asks. "I want you to meet someone. Pop, this is Aria, my girlfriend. Bello, this is my Pop, Felipe." EZ says. Felipe smiles softly before shaking my hand and saying "It's nice to meet you." I smile and say "Nice to meet you too." We sit for a while and talk before EZ and I head to the clubhouse to hang out. When we get to his bike to leave the butcher shop, he says "Thank you." I look at him confused and he says "He loved you." I smile and kiss him and say "Anything for you mi dulce." I smiles wide before we head out to the clubhouse.

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