The Rain

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Happy May everyone! It's too crazy to me that we're literally almost halfway through the whole year!!! We're so close I can almost feel it. But not quite. Cuz like, tests and stuff. Yuck.

Anyway, so right now it is super stormy outside, like pouring rain, continuous lightning, the occasional Really Loud thunder. But y'all, I love it. I love the rain so much. Now obviously I don't like it when places get flooded and hail knocks out windows, and such. No one wants that, but I love storms. It's so interesting because some of my friends are absolutely terrified of storms, but then there's me... 

I'm not completely sure why. It's kinda awful, but part of me thinks I like storms so much because it means that you can't really do anything. I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, an outdoorsy kind of person, not at all. I'm also an introvert (maybe I'll do a post on that) so I'm always game for just spending the day at home, in my pjs, reading. So when it rains, things get canceled, my parents couldn't tell me to "go play outside" and you just get to stay inside and be cozy. I dunno, I just love the rain. There's probably (hopefully) more to it than just my antisocial-ness 

Fun fact: I'm also fundamentally opposed to umbrellas. They're stupid. Because if it's raining hard enough to merit an umbrella, then you're going to get wet anyway. And if it's not raining that hard then stop being a baby, a little water isn't going to hurt you. I just think umbrellas are a pain, you have to leave them out to dry and wrangle them back into their compact form and I'm just not a fan.

I don't know guys, I'm just missing the words to describe how I feel about rain, but just know that it's my favorite thing in the world (or at least one of my favorite things). Let me know if you feel the same way, or the exact opposite, either way.

Love ya always,


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