Hey y'all! So its been a crazy week hasn't it? Yeah, I'm sure that I'll talk about my views on political things but I'm totally sick of all this political mess. So instead imma gonna tell y'all some things about me.
At the beginning of the school year my English teacher had us right a list of 10 quirks that we have, and I thought that was an awesome idea. So this is what I wrote:1) I have an abnormally large stash of band-aids with me always. I'm always hurting my fingers and legs. And besides, band-aids make everything better
2) It is really hard for me to stay still. Whenever I'm sitting either one or both of my legs bounce up and down completely by themselves, half the time I don't even realize they're moving
3) ok so I have sUper long hair, so it gets caught on everything. The quirk in this is that I always put my pencil behind my ear but unless I take off the little clippy thing on the side of mechanical pencils it gets all kindsa caught
4) when reading hardcover books, I have to take the cover off cuz otherwise, by the time I'm done reading it'll be all kindsa messed up
5) I talk to myself all the time. It helps me focus, esp when doing math homework, so I usually end up doing my homework in my room.
6) window blinds have to be facing downwards. I'm sorry but it just has to.
7) I never tie my shoes. Or I guess I never UNtie my shoes, which probably isn't the best for them but whatever.
8) I'm not that fond of carbonation, it hurts my nose. So I prefer soda slightly flat, or maybe even more than slightly.
9) I get my toothbrush wet, put toothpaste on it, and then get it wet again. I didn't know this was weird until fairly recently, it's just the way I've always done it.
10) I. Love. The. Rain. so much, even storms, lightning storms, whatever, I love it.
So yeah that's what I wrote for that assignment
I guess that's it for now!
Love ya always,
Thoughts of a Teenage Girl
AcakWhen you really want to say something but you can't figure out how to fit it into the conversation. Yeah that's what this is for. Please note that these are all my opinions, I never mean to offend anyone, and I am never going to tell you how to live...