I woke up in Jayy's bed, to my phone ringing. I stretched then picked it up.
(Phone convo)
Person: CJ?! *worried tone*
Me: Jake?! Why are you calling me?!
Jake: because I miss my baby sister. I need her back home where she belongs.
Me: you should have thought about that when you hit me! Jake that one hit messed me up! I'm STILL crying out it.
Jake: well can I attest say good bye. *cry*
me: I'm sorry Jake. But I'm leaving tomorrow. My phone is going to be cut off and you'll never hear from me again. Tell the guys I'll miss them.
(end of convo)
I quickly hung up the phone before he could answer then took out the battery. I then walked down stairs to Dahvie and Jayy's kitchen to see them making a mess. I mean the was flower everywhere and all over themselves. I sighed I and walked over to get a wash cloth. "I'm gonna miss this." I said as I was wiping off of Dahvie's face. "yeah, us to baby girl, us to." once I cleaned the guys and the kitchen we had pancakes for breakfast then sat down and watched TV. Dahvie handed me the remote so I could choose what to watch. I flipped through all the boring news channels until I found batman. The really old batman like from the 80's or 90's. We sat back at watched it, I was snuggled next to Dahvie and Jayy was on my other side. I started to tear up, I used to watch this with the guys. No I need to move on. But still the tears came and slowly made there way down my face. "Hey, why you crying, Baby girl?" "I-I-I, I'm just gonna miss this." I said. I was about to tell them that I was leaving to night but I couldn't hurt them too. "Why do you keep saying that. I mean you don't have to leave." Dahvie said. "I know." this is gonna be hard. After we watched batman I went up stairs and got changed into: my red skinny jeans, my black Green Day shirt, and my red and black HighTops. I covered my wrist in big chunky bracelets and put on the star necklace Ashley gave me. I did my hair next, pulling it up. I didn't do my make up today because I won't really need any. I'm gonna leave the state any way. I walked over to Jayy's bed and grabbed my phone and battery. Once I put it back in I checked my text to see 3, one from Andy, Jinxx, and Sammi. I looked at Sammi's first then Andy's then Jinxx's.
(Sammi's text)
Don't go baby doll.
Jake feels terrible
The band is a reck
We need u
Plz come back
(Andy's text)
CJ, I'm so sorry
Plz come back
We need u
I don't know what we would do with out u
(Jinxx's text)
CJ your scaring us
Are you ok?
Plz text 1 of us saying that what Jake said is wrong
Don't leave us
I sighed. I really need to get a new number and fast. I looked at the clock. It's about 4:00 in the after noon. I'm gonna leave as soon as the guys fall asleep. God I hate to do this but it's for their own good. I went back down stairs and hung out with the guys. Time seem to just fly by, don't you just hate that. It was around midnight when Dahvie said he was going to bed. I claimed to also and Jayy said he would to. Jayy walked up the stairs and shut the guest's room door and Dahvie did the same for his door. I walked up to Jayy's room to get my things then when back down in to the kitchen. I found a brightly colored piece if paper and a black sharpie then wrote them a good by note.
(The note)
Dear Jayy and Dahvie,
I will miss you guys so much, but I have to go. I can't stay. The last thing you guys need is some girl hanging around and if I stay with the guys I will tare the band apart. And I don't want that. I'm leaving and I'm getting rid of my phone number. Jayy like you asked I'm keeping yours and Dahvie I will keep yours too. I'll go to concerts and watch my best friends perform but sadly you won't see me. By the time you read this there will be no more CJ Pitts. I will miss you so much guys.
I folded the note up the put it in plain sight knowing the would read it. I took one final look at the awesome house then walked out the door. I called a cab and he took me to the nearest hotel. I payed the man then when inside. "Hello what can I do for you?" "Hi I need a room for one please." "Ok name please." "Maria Stark. That's S T A R K" "thank you here is you key and how long will you be staying?" "one night" "Ok have a good one." the lady finished. I looked at my card and my room room number, 69. I wanted to laugh but because it reminded me of something Ashley said but it also made me sad. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed. I looked at the time, 1:00. I sighed then set the alarm to 7:30. Knowing that Jayy and Dahvie aren't big clueless idiots they sometimes act like and that they would look here as soon as they wake up around noon. I sighed then got into my pjs and slowly fell asleep.
My phone went off at 7:00 playing Andy's screaming in Perfect Weapon. I got up, grabbed my hair stuff and took a shower. The water felt good, almost like it was trying to wash away what was happening. But it wasn't so I stepped out, dried off, then got changed into my black skinny jeans, my gray Hello Kitty shirt, and my gray knee high converse. I did my simple make up just outlining my eyes with my black eye liner, I also left my hair down today. I went over to my bag and found my grey knit beanie. I put it on then headed down to the lobby. "Um where is the free breakfast?" I asked the lady at the desk. "Down the hall to your left." "Thank you." I said then hallowed her directions. I got my breakfast consisting of a waffle, a cheese pastry, and an apple plus some orange juice. I was just about to sit down when i herd my name being called. "CJ! CJ IS THAT YOU?!" yelled a familiar british accent. I turned to the caller's voice to see that Danny Woresnop and Ben Bruce where standing in the door way. I sent them a forced smile and waved. No doubt that they will tell the guys I'm here. They made there way over to me and each gave me a hug. "CJ. It great to see you! I haven't seen you since, god knows when." "I was 16. I'm 18." I said. I know it sounds like I'm a jerk but I'm kind of on a tight schedule. "Oi who shit in your corn flakes, aye?" (AN: sorry I'm really bad at british accents) Ben asked. "Just really busy not much time to chat. Sorry." I said as I started eating my pastry. "So where's your brother and his mates?" damn I knew this was coming. "Still sleeping. You know them." I said thanking god that I'm such a good lier. "Yeah guess your right. Well we have to go and meet with our manager. Tell the guys will meet up with them later." "Will do. Nice seeing you." I quickly ate my breakfast then went and got my stuff and checked out. God who knew running away would be this hard! I called a cab and he took me to the air port where I hoped on a plane to Florida. I sighed a sigh of relief. I then pulled out my note pad and made a check list of all the things to do once I land.
Yes yes I know I havent been updating. Don't shoot! *puts hands up in the air* but I'm gonna try to update more I promise.~ CJ

CJ Pitts (A black veil brides fanfict)
FanfictionCJ is anything but normal. For starters her older brother is Jake Pitts and is serounded by famus people all the time. what happends when her lift takes a turn for the worst? come along with CJ and see just how unnormal her life really is.