I couldn't breathe. I know what was happening though. After all I have been Asthmatic since I was born. But I was still freaking out and from what I could see Andy was just a freaked as I was. "CJ!!" I herd Jake yell. Then he popped out of nowhere with my rescue inhaler. I took some deep breaths and I was stable again. I just wish I could say the same for Jake and Andy. "DUDE YOU KNOW SHE HAS ASTHMA!!! WHEN SHE SAYS SHE CANT BREATHE THEN STOP! WHAT ARE YOU? A DUMB ASS?!" Jake yelled. "HEY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, OK?! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR IT TO HAPPEN! AND NO IM NOT A DUMB ASS!" Andy yelled back. Andy yelled spiteful things at Jake and Jake returned every thing Andy threw at him. I hate when Jake yells and he is yelling at Andy, which makes it worse. I got up and walked over to where they were fighting and put a hand on each of they're chests. "Guys clam," was all I got out before Jake raised his hand and did something I never thought he would do. My face stung as his hand hit it with full force, pushing me to the ground. I crawled back over to the couch, covered my ears, rolled up in a ball, and cried silently. Suddenly I felt arms pull me into a lap. Who ever had tried to comfort me had removed my hands from my ears but to my dismay Jake and Andy were still fighting. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Ashley. I gave him a look that said 'get me out of here' and that is exactly what he did. He took me in his arms and quickly got me to my room. Jinxx and CC were now awake and gave me sorry looks when ash laid me down on my bed. "You ok, baby girl?" CC asked. I shook my head not really trusting my voice. Jinxx came up to me and gave me a big hug. He really just picked me up like a three year old and I cried on his shoulder. "CJ. I need you to pay attention, okay?" Ash asked. I pulled my head off of Jinxx's shoulder and nodded. Jinxx set me back on my bed but still held my hand. "I need you to get packed. You aren't sleeping here to night." ashley told me. "B-But where w-w-will I sleep?" I asked my voice still shaking from crying. "That's up to you, baby girl. You can sleep with me, Jinxx and Sammi, or CC." I nodded my head. "I'll stay w-w-with you." I told Ashley. "Okay, so all of you here is the plan," Ashley started, "I'm gonna drop CJ off at my house. Then I'm gonna come back and yell at Jake and Andy for 'waking me up' and say that you ran away, CJ. Then the will start to freak and looking every were. When they ask us when CJ has gone we tell them that we don't know. CC, you will say that your gonna look in the park or something but really go to my house and hang out with CJ, got it?" "I won't disappoint you, Sir!" he said then saluted ash. Ash just face palmed and went on with his plan, "Ok then Jinxx you do the same only say your looking somewhere else, okay?" "Yeah. Can I pick up Sammi before I go to your house?" "Yeah man. Okay then you guys know the plan. Let's get CJ out of here." I nodded but started to think of my own plan.
1) so sorry that this one is so short
2) sorry that this is the only story I have been working on
4) Sorry I haven't been updating
1b) It's short cause I'm typing on my iPod and when I ment to hit copy to move it from my notes to here, I hit paste and it cut out my story and pasted the chapter before
2b) I'm trying to focus on one story and give it some back bone, then move to another story and do the same. Plus I can only write when I have inspiration so yeah =|
4b) like I said before I have been on vacation for two weeks, plus I have been all depressed and just havnt been able to write. I'm sorry. But I'm getting better with the rest of my family and we are slowly getting back to being ourselves again.
5) and yeah I didn't put three. Why? Cause I dont like three. Tough it..... JK but yeah I didn't put three cause I didn't feel like it
So yeah that is my ranting or whatever you want to call this. Sorry again and I love you all<3
~•~ CJ

CJ Pitts (A black veil brides fanfict)
FanfictionCJ is anything but normal. For starters her older brother is Jake Pitts and is serounded by famus people all the time. what happends when her lift takes a turn for the worst? come along with CJ and see just how unnormal her life really is.