Chapter Twenty Two

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This morning Shaahid and Sakina sat at Ummid's dhaba face to face.

While Ummid made all kinds of weird gestures to Shaahid from behind Sakina. He could only grin.

Sakina turned and threw a glance at Ummid. He came forward reluctantly, as if he was afraid of this ghost friendly woman.

Shaahid stared at him.
" Please bring two of your special breakfast. And did you receive the money? "

Ummid miya almost instantly melted like butter.
" Yes bhai.. I received a huge contract for the first time in life. The money made my head spin.

But I can only feed you, for free, like always, because of that. Not both of you. "

Shaahid wanted to bang his head on the table. Ummid miya left no stone unturned to insult him. And today it was before Sakina. Not only that he was being rude to Sakina as well.

Sakina's face turned red.
" Who asked you to feed us for free? I'll pay. Now you get lost. "

Ummid immediately vanished, perhaps ghost stricken humans were frightening.

Shaahid sat catching his head, while Sakina stared at him.
" So, everyone bears you for free because you can predict their future.
Wow. "

" Errmm.... Kind of.
But this month I'll clear many debts. "
Shaahid grinned.

" What job did you do over your fifteen year long stay in Fareedpur? "

" Heh.. Many jobs. Uncountable jobs.
You'll laugh. "

" I'm already laughing at the fact that I'm here sitting with you when I should be in my room trying to call Salman. "

" Okay then. Finish off with Salman. I'll be back by then. " , Shaahid slept off on the bench.

" Get up you fool.. And tell me what works you did. " , Sakina uttered angrily.

Shaahid got up and began scratching his forehead.

" Initially I joined a musical instrument showroom as a sales person. I was twenty then. I worked there for three long years, until an old yet cunning lady dropped a guitar on my leg.
Only because I refused to agree with her idea that her husband looked like a Black Mamba snake.

I was thrown out with a broken foot for not satisfying customers and damaging property. "

Sakina stared with a very sad face.

" Then I did not find any job for a year, but a very good friend I found there let me stay in his single room. I cooked for him as if I was his wife. " , Shaahid chuckled.

" Don't tell me. You can cook? " ,Sakina exclaimed.

" I can. But the food can only be eaten by people like my old friend who don't have real wives or great 'cookers' . "

" Ohhh.... " , Sakina made a sadder face.

" You look disappointed. As if you were to fire your cook and appoint me instead. " , he grinned.

" Then, what next? " , she twirled her locks around her finger.

" Then when I was twenty five, I joined a photo developing shop.
That was a happy job as well. You got to see people with different types of faces, round, long, apple shaped, horse shaped, milky, blueberry muffin coloured and so on.

And also their different moods.
Some came for clicking pre wedding photos, very happy.
Some for pre divorce photos, even happier.

Examinees who had to click for forms looked like they were going to be hanged in an hour.
While pass outs with good results looked like they were going for a honeymoon soon. " , Shaahid munched in the bread which was just served.

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