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That morning, Leo woke up sweating and breathing heavily, probably due to some kind of nightmare:

Charlie: Leo! Oh God! Please get up!

Leo woke up but didn't open his eyes, Charlie's warm body was pressed against his, he was so comfortable that he let himself smile a bit on the edge of his mouth.

Charlie: Leo? Why are you smiling? Were you awake this whole time?!

Leo then gave Charlie a big smile and as an answer received a pillow in his face.

Charlie: Do you know how's my heart right now?

Leondre: I'm sorry, but I wasn't pretending, I really was having a nightmare.

Charlie: Jesus, after this I'll have to take a shower, I'm sweating as hell.

Leondre: Can I go with you?

Both of them kept in silence for a moment. Charlie laughed.

Charlie: No. - Leo kept staring at him in silence - Wait. Are you serious?

Leo replied with a big "No" as fast as he could and giggled trying to disguise his embarrassment.

When the bathroom door locked, Leo jumped in the sofa and started fantasizing about what could have happened if he said "Yes", it didn't took much longer for Leo to get a boner, but suddenly Charlie yelled at him asking for his towel, Leo then got to the bedroom, took the towel and ran to the bathroom.

Leondre: Charlie! I got your towel.

Charlie: I'm in the tub, the door is unlocked, please bring it to me, it's cold outside.

Leondre: I'm not sure if I can do this...

Charlie: What!? Can't you bring me the towel?

Leondre: I'd rather not...

Karen: Hey, Leo, good morning! What are you doing?

Leondre: Good morning. I was going to hand over Charlie's towel.

Karen: Oh, don't worry, I'll take care of this for you.

Leondre: Thanks.

After being so close to get in a bathroom with his "crush" totally naked, Leo threw himself on Charlie's bed and regretted - Come on Leo, what kind of man are you? - But before he could regret anymore, he listened the bedroom door locking and when he turned back he could see nothing less than Charlie dropping his towel to his feet.

Leondre: Hm...uh...

Charlie: Leo! - pulls up the towel - What are you doing here?

Leondre: I was just sitting here when you...

Charlie: Just get out!

Once again Leo's cock got harder than a rock, he tried to hide it, but unluckily Charlie's eyes were faster.

Charlie: Leo, why are you hard?

Leondre: I was just thinking about some things.

Charlie: Oh, so this was what we were going to talk about last night when mum arrived? Now we are in my room, the door is locked, no one is going to interrupt you. By the way, I have something to tell you too.

Leondre: I think mine is less important, you can go ahead and tell me first.

Charlie: Well, okay, I was just going to say I'm interested in a girl from our school.

Leondre: Are you serious?

Charlie: Yeah, you know her, her name is Ann, I'm paired up with her in biology classes. Now, what were you going to tell me?

Leondre: -deep breath- I love you more than you can imagine.


That's it guys, thanks for everybody that is reading. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. Bye!

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