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Leondre: So what we gonna do first?

Charlie: Follow your plan.

Leondre: My plans were just to take the blankets and try to hide under it.

Charlie: But sex doesn't have to be planned, you have to let it flow.

Leondre: I've never done it before...and to be honest you're just getting me more stressed.

Charlie: I was just trying to help you.

Leondre: Being thick? That rea...

Before Leo could finish the sentence, Charlie took the lead and slid his hand inside Leo's pants, feeling his semi-hard c***, he felt Leo contracting his belly's muscles and moaning in a very smooth voice, he wasn't expecting Charlie to do this. Leo's tight underwear were getting small for his "little" friend, his d*** was asking to get out, but it wasn't even necessary for Leo to ask Charlie, his hands were smarter than Leo could imagine, he just couldn't believe that he was there, with Charlie, at almost 15.000ft getting the first and best handjob of his life; his dream was coming true.

Charlie in the other hand was impressed with the size of Leo's dick, it seemed bigger than his, and he was 2 years younger! Charlie has never thought about doing such thing, even less in a plane! Leo's cock was soft and it fits exactly in his hand, but without any doubt looking at his lil' bro. face was the best part, he has never seen how Leo react to extreme pleasing situations, it was really cute. He was getting hard.

When Leo let out a moan, Charlie kissed him passionately. Leo said whispering:

Leondre: OMG! You're so good at it Charlie, please don't stop. I love you so much!

Charlie: I wanna feel your whole body in my hands, I want you to be mine.

Leondre: Anything for you Charlie.

Charlie: So that's the way you like to do it? You little little slut. I want you to give me a blowjob, try not to bite it, I know you like the filling but it comes with the time. - Charlie giggle.

Leondre: If that's what makes you happy, I'll do it.

Leo starts removing Charlie's belt, Charlie then, almost automatically, lay back and relax, as Leo was having some difficulty to take it off, Charlie got up to help him, but when he looked forward he saw mom getting up from her seat and as fast as he could he covered Leo and himself and pretended to be sleeping. His mom goes away and he "wokes up".

Charlie: OH-MY-GOD! Leo, did you see what you've done!? I said you we'd better wait 'till we arrive on the hotel, mom almost caught us! It's you and your damn hormones. Now get off me, pull up your pants, I'm gonna try to sleep and don't be influenced by you.

Leondre: So it's my fault?

Charlie: Of course! I'm a straight guy, and you tried to seduce me with your charm. I don't like gays, I won't be gay just because you want someone to satisfy yourself. I hope you have understood, I'm not saying it twice! And don't even try something while I'm sleeping, I'll get even angrier than I already am!

Tears roll down Leo's face.


And one more time, that's it guys, I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. A special thanks for all of you for the 100 views, it makes me happy that people like me writting about things I love to write about. Bye!

P.S.: I think some people wanted to see some sex in this story, but I don't want to go for it in just one chapter, because it would reduce drastically the story, I hope you understand. ;)

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