First scene...

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They were sitting next to the place where he offered her the swing and had promised her he would never let her go, that he would follow wherever she went, catch her if she fell...

He looked at her, once more. Her dark eyes were even darker, of sadness and disappointment. Every now and then, he would look at her, trying to find the best moment to tell her what he needed to say...

- I hope you liked the surprise... - his voice was soft and tender, and his eyes were trying to «read» her reaction but Reyyan stood still and quiet, looking at the horizon, like a marble statue. The sun was setting and the air smelled like flowers and honey. The perfect scenario for a romantic picnic, if they were a couple in love. Which they were not. He tried, once more: - I asked for the best food... traditional and homemade food, like I know you like...
She suddenly looked at him and ask, in a cold way:

- How can you know what I like? You hardly know me... So don't assume that I like this picnic or this food.
- Well, I know your father used to take you and your sister to picnics, so I assumed...
- Really? And how do you know that, Miran?
- I heard your sister telling you, that night...
- Oh... I see – He could sense the bitterness in her voice and that felt so bad... - So, you also heard me saying all those lies of you to her, telling her you cared for me and that you treated me well?
- Actually... no. I heard you telling her I loved you very much. And that is not a lie.
She looked at him, as if Miran had told the biggest nonsense of his life:
- How dare you? How dare you say that? When I trusted you and you let me down, like a true coward?
Miran was fighting against his own nature, not to grab her by the arms, hug her and shout he was madly in love and could no longer live apart from her. Her indifference was driving him crazy and the lonely nights longing for the warmth of her body and the sweet taste of her trembling lips, were excruciating. She had revealed herself to be a fast learner at the wedding night and her eagerness to learn more and more, had totally surprised him. He was an experienced lover and even if Reyyan had shown some fear at the beginning, bit by bit, Miran encouraged her to set her curiosity free, and they ended up by making love in a slow, hot and sweet way. He remembered telling her he loved her, while caressing her dark and untamed hair and he also remembered her, breathing heavily and whispering she loved him, back...

- I'm saying this because it's true. 

Her eyes were filled with tears and she got up, starting to move towards the swing. She shouted:
- Why don't you just leave me alone? Why do you care so much whether I live or die? Can't you understand that I can never trust again? You killed me that morning! You took the best of me... my trust, my innocence... you dishonoured me by doing all that and you disgraced me because we're not even married! So, the least you can tell me is why... why did you do it? You have no heart! You're a monster, you have no idea what you put me through, the damage you caused in my life! Because of you, I'm broken, I'm lost! Can't you see?!
He got up and followed her... It would be so easy to end that torment by telling her the truth... that she was a pawn in a twisted game and that fate had punished him, for he sought for revenge so hard, that he ended up by falling for the person he wanted to destroy... But, to explain all that, he would have to tell her all about her father and he knew that would be too hard on Reyyan... she couldn't endure another heart break, not from the man the adored so much. So, Miran stood quiet, next to her, inhaling the scent of her hair, as if he needed it to survive... He would stay quiet and take all the blame... For her, he was a bloody bastard anyway and his reputation was already lost...
- Please, trust me, just this once... at the beginning... I admit, it was revenge and you were part of it, a very important part, actually. But then, you bewitched me, Reyyan... I am nothing without you and I devote myself to you... But please, don't ask me what this revenge is about. Please, trust...
She suddenly turn to him, and realized he was dangerously too close to her. She could feel the warmth of his breath, and she fought not to feel tempted by those sexy green eyes, that tormented her so much in her dreams:
- Trust you? You said yourself! I was part of a revenge! And how long was that revenge was being set up? Uh? Since when were you conspiring against me and my family?
There was no point hiding the obvious. Reyann was smart and she already understood he knew her too well:
- A long time. I sent someone gather information on you... I had to do it... But in the end, all that information was of no good. You turned out to be the best surprise of my life. Please, Reyyan, can't you see I'm being honest? Can't you read it in my eyes?
She was instantly captivated by him. They were so close, she could see him panting with that closeness... his eyes were even more green and his lips, as if they were ready to kiss her. Reyyan felt a mix of heat and cold, that dizziness every time she remembered that particular night. When he touched her hand and she felt the warm of his skin she realised the obvious: that man was dangerous, too dangerous to be close to. He had the power to set her on fire and, by the flames she could see in his eyes, Miran was about to do something to her, something she desperately and secretly desired, even if she admitted to herself it was wrong... He then touched her chin and whispered softly, trying to ignore his heart beating fast like a drum, the excitment growing second by second, his emotions on a roller coaster:
- Reyann, Reyann... why do you do this to me? You drive me crazy, desperately crazy...I can't even think straight, when I'm next to you...
She had to do something... She was about to surrender herself to him and she couldn't do it, she wouldn't do it... She made a move to set herself free from his embrace, however, sensing she was about to escape, he said firmly:
- You are my captive, and letting you go is my death sentence. If you convince me you don't love me and you don't care for me anymore, I will let you go. But first, you're gonna have to be very convincing... Otherwise, you're doomed to become my woman, my lover, my soulmate till the end of our days... So, are you ready to tell me what is your final answer, my sweet Reyyan?

Reyyan and Miran... a story of love and hateWhere stories live. Discover now