Twenty-fourth scene...

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Another week, another scene!
Will anyone be able to destroy the love between Miran and Reyyan? Will they find understanding and encouragement in Hazar? What if someone decides to play the last card, in order to bring some truth to Miran's past and Azize's twisted plan, to avenge her family honour?
Read the next scene and discover by yourself... and if you love what I wrote, leave a comment or your vote!

Hazar looked at the couple, trying to hide the disappointment but also, realising that after all, Reyyan was suffering from the same illness he had suffered a long time ago: love. 

All he had feared had happened: she was in love. She had to be in love or else, how would she justify the fact of being there, holding that man by hand, the one who'd hurt her so much?
He could see her hair was a mess and her eyes had that special spark, so typical of someone who had just had a passionate encounter... he then noticed Miran's shirt was buttoned in a wrong way, wrinkled, as if it had been put on hastily and his hair, also undone, and the sparkling eyes... Reyyan and Miran looked so close the anger suddenly took over Hazar! She was his little girl, his treasure he had promised to protect and and Miran was the bastard who had swore to kill him! He had brought nothing but sorrow and pain to that lovely girl, so even if it was the last thing he'd do, she would let go of Miran's hand, leave with him and never go back...
He then noticed Miran kissing her forehead... could that be some kind of provocation?

- Reyyan! - he shouted. - Reyyan, get away from that man right now!

Reyyan felt a sudden chill going up her spine. Her father was furious at her and her head was spinning around, because the time had come for her to admit the obvious: Miran was the man of her life and she wouldn't stay away from him, unless her father wouldn't accept the two as a couple. What she had feared was happening... what if Hazar wouldn't understand? What if he'd force her to leave?

- But, father...

- No "but"! You heard me! By Allah, you will leave that man and come to me at once!

- Father, please, listen to me... - begged Reyyan, her eyes on Miran, who was trying to keep his temper and let father and daughter have some space.

- You lousy... - shouted Hazar to Miran, as if he was chasing a dirty animal.

Seeing he was making a move, Reyyan stepped forward and put herself in the middle of the two men.

- Daddy, please... he didn't force me! I'm here because I wanted to. I'm here because this is the place where I want to be, with the person I want to be with...

- Are you mad? This man? THIS MAN?! AN ASLANBEY?? MIRAN ASLANBEY???

- Yes... this man... an Aslanbey... Miran Aslanbey...

- Have you forgotten what he did to you? The shame, the tears???? The man who dragged our name to the mud, the man who plot against us in the most twisted way possible? How can you trust him? How do you know he will not do the same again? Uh? How can you know?! You know so little of the world and how it can be devious and hurt the ones with the most beautiful and kind hearts! You are so precious... can't you see he's taking advantage of you? Of your pure soul? Can't you see this man is a monster and he won't rest until he destroy you and all of us?

- Daddy, please! - Reyyan was already crying, trying to hold him by his arm, when Miran finally spoke:

- Hazar Bey... I agree with all you said. I was a monster, I hurt your daughter and I plot against all of you. But I did it for a reason and I already told why I did, what I did... however, I changed. You probably figured out my biggest curse was to fall for Reyyan... I love your daughter and I'm willing to marry her and have her as my wife, and I will protect her from all harm...

Reyyan and Miran... a story of love and hateWhere stories live. Discover now