Tenth scene...

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This scene could happen right in the begining of episode 9, when Miran presents himself as Reyyan's husband, to Melike's grandparents...

Reyyan couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Miran standing at the door, obviously satisfied to have found her. Melike had no idea what to say to her grandmother, who was excited to finally meet Reyyan's husband:

- Don't you stand there! Come on in! You girls could have told us this gentleman was coming over! You will join us for dinner, won't you?

She looked at her husband who instantly invited Miran to enter the house.

Reyyan was about to protest but Melike whispered her it was best for them to get along with that awkward situation. Miran was clearly amused with the whole scene and he immediatly started to chatter with Melike's grandparents, feeling quite at ease to be there. Seconds later, they were all gathered, eating the delicious dinner Reyyan had helped to prepare. Miran was in peace. That was a modest but happy home, something he had been missing for so long... But, most of all, he had found her and, at least for the moment, she wouldn't run away so he could enjoy a peaceful moment of truces with the lady of his heart: his wife.

While the whole family chattered, Miran and Reyyan, sitting in opposite places at the floor couldn't keep their eyes of each other. He was delighted with the possibility of admiring her even if she was dying the tell him to go away and drop dead. But she couldn't and Miran knew it...

Reyyan was holding herself, trying to control her fury for having him there... How could he know where she was? Who could have told him? She wanted to end with that lie as soon as possible, scream he was a liar and that he wasn't actually her husband but, then again, she knew Melike's grandparents would not understand her story at all and the last thing she wanted was to create a scandal or being disrespectful to that lovely couple...

- Are you enjoying the food, Miran bey? - The old lady asked. - Your wife helped making it... she is a great cook, don't you think?

- Yes, my wife... - started Miran.

- ... I am not...! - Reyyan interrupted but Miran took her hand as if he wanted to calm her down and said, nicely, before she could end her sentence:

- ... Reyyan is modest. She was about to say she's not a good cook but I disagree... - Miran looked at Reyyan and, never letting go of her hand, he kissed her fingers, making her feel his soft and warm breath. Reyyan was paying attention to every movement that man was doing to her. He was obviously playing the part of the loving husband so perfectly that the old couple actually believed they were in love and happy.

After dinner, while the women cleaned the kitchen, the men had gone outside, to the terrace, to drink some tea. Reyyan could listen to Miran's soft voice, outside and, every now and then, his laughing, as if he was reaaly happy to be there...

For few seconds, Melike noticed her grandmother wasn't around so she whispered to Reyyan:

- What are you going to do? What if he doesn't leave?

- He has to leave! He can't stay! 

- Really? I suppose that can be an option but my grandparents would suspect something isn't right between you two!

- You're right... Well, I'll have to think os something but he will not stay here, that I can assure you!


When the kitchen was cleaned, Melike's grandmother took the girls to join her husband and Miran. Even though it was cold, the sky presented itself full of brilliant stars and a beautiful moon... the perfect moment for Miran to ask Reyyann to go for a walk...
It was getting late and Reyyan's last hope was that Miran would leave, and she would be left in peace one more time. However, the old couple had other plans...

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