Thirty sixth scene

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«Thought you had learnt the lesson but you insist on defying me. So, now, I will hurt you where the pain is stronger. I will take Reyyan from you, like your miserable parents took my son away from me. I hope your last minutes with Reyyan were good because it was the last time you laid eyes on her.»

Reyyan was resting on Miran's chest, so beautiful, so peaceful, so quiet... 

Miran would look at her, still amazed with what had happened between them, but also worried about their future... What would happen next? He was more than ready to leave the hospital... He would have to confront Azize and the rest of the Aslanbey, once his family, now their enemies. At the moment, he only had something clear in his mind: he would marry Reyyan and he would never let go of her again. Of course, he wouldn't interfere in her academic life - she wanted to be a doctor, she would be a doctor and he would be her big support - and they'd find a way to settle down in Istanbul and raise a family. But first, he'd have to go back to Midyat. That had to be done, he wouldn't hide forever and he had to make things right, before his return to Reyyan...  Leaving her would be the hardest thing for him but she would have to understand...

The sound of a click, coming from the door ste the panic and he suddenly woke up Reyyan, whispering for her to stay alert... Someone was forcing the entrance in his room. She immediately grabed her belongings and ran to the bathroom. In the meantime, Miran fixed the sheets and stood still in his bed...

Someone opened the door very slowly and began to walk towards the bed. Miran was pretending to be asleep but could easily see it was a man, a familiar man...

- Miran... Miran... - I know you're not alone so, don't pretend to sleep.

Miran opened his eyes, clearly not happy to see Abdullah in front of him.

- I know there's someone here with you... a doctor... and unless this room has a secret passage, that young lady is here, with you, for the past two hours...

- I don't know what you're talking about...

My dear friend... this scent of flowers in your room, considering there isn't any in here... 

- Abdullah Bey... - the sound od Reyyan's sweet voice sounded, behind the old man.

- My... oh my... Reyyan Sadoglu?! I could expect anyone here... but you.

- What do you mean? - Reyyan was suddenly puzzled so the old man quickly explained:

- Don't get me wrong but... you? Here? How?

- We found each other here. - Explained Miran. - And we had to be together. 

- But why didn't you tell me? Are you aware of the risks? For both of you?

- I am aware, of course! But I was going crazy, not having Reyyan around... that was crushing my mind and my soul! I love this woman more than I love the fact to be alive... - all that time, Miran was looking into Reyyan's eyes and she realised, for the first time, that man was willing to take any risk, just to be with her. - And there's more... We want to get married. Tomorrow, as soon as possible. 

Abdullah sat for a while, trying to catch his breath. 

- So... even locked in this room, you managed to find a way to meet... I have to admit your love is rare... 

- How could I noot find a way to see her? Reyyan makes me wanna be a better man... She's the air that I breathe...

Abdullah was looking at the couple, the love between them was undeniable and he felt powerless against that overwhelming feeling... There was nothing he could do to fight back the need of being close, of those two.

Reyyan and Miran... a story of love and hateWhere stories live. Discover now