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You grew up to be five years old. Your dad was always working, so Paris ended up taking the role. He was a brother to you and you were fond of him. He smiled down at you and always made sure you were safe. "Pariiiiis.... when is mama coming hwome...." You teared up, You always hated when Yumi went somewhere without you. Paris sighed and picked you up smiling. "Mom will be home very soon." He sat on the couch hugging you. You instantly calmed down and giggled, "Wuv you big bro." Paris chuckled a bit and ruffled your hair. "Such a strange child."
He dropped you off in your room. "Stay here, I will make you some dinner." You smiled brightly and layed down. Soon as Paris was gone you heard your window open and whined. Something wasn't right. You felt someone grab you and cover your mouth muffling your screams and dash into the night with you.
"Alright, I'm... here? (Y/n)?" He opened the door and his eyes widened when he didn't see you. He jumped out the window and looked everywhere for you. "(Y/N)!!!!!" He didn't find you. He hung his head and called Yumi. "Yumi... (y/n).... she's gone and I can't find her!"

Lost.  (Paris x Reader) (finished and incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now