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      "wh-who are you?" You began to cry not knowing what took you since you couldn't see. The clown smirked. "I'm your family, you're my bait" "I WANT PARIS" The clown smirked. "And what makes you think he cares about you child?" You began to cry. "MAMA AND BROVER WILL FIND ME" "I don't think they will want you when I'm done."
      You felt pain sear through you. You cried and screamed asking him to stop. It hurt so much, the pain was endless. The clown smirked. "Soon you'll be a toy too." You cried as the pain continued. The clown finish and left you alone crying. You wanted Paris, he knew how to make anything disappear. You curled up crying.

    You didn't know that he sewed you up to make you look like a living doll. Your eyes were even sewn shut.

Yumi woke up screaming. Paris ran in as her husband tried to comfort her. "(Y-y/n).... she... She..." Yumi burst into tears knowing what happened to you. Her husband growled at Paris who left to look for you. He looked everywhere twice, thrice, again and again for years. He couldn't find you. Paris was shattered. Yumi's husband blamed Paris for everything and tried multiple times to kill him, causing Paris to abandon Yumi. Paris sat on a roof crying, wondering where you were, his sister, the last thing he could cling to to keep going.

Lost.  (Paris x Reader) (finished and incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now