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        As you walked through the cool night you saw the house you were looking for. You had a dream of a marionette, and decided to take it out on your own. You walked in after kicking the door down and unsheathing your two daggers. You heard a voice behind you saying, "Won't you dance with me?~" You were about to attack when strings grabbed your arms and began to make you dance.
          You growled and yanked the strings hard enough that the toy went flying, only to make you dance again. You growled deeply knowing that you won't be able to get out of this control if you don't figure something out quickly. Then you heard someone.
            "Oh dear, I believe you should leave fighting to me." Then you heard a slash and the strings were gone. You took off your bandana and slashed at the marionette. The person that helped you was shocked as you began fighting, you were dodging most strings almost as if you were dancing. The person caught on and did the same and he pushed you out of the way as the toy lunged at you and a thump was heard. You looked at the person that saved you. You couldn't tell what he looked like due to having buttons instead of eyes.
         "Ah, excuse me, but my name is Paris, Paris the puppet." You backed up holding your daggers up. Paris's eyes widened when he saw that you had buttons sewn over your eyes. He recognized you and was shocked when you got defensive against him. His face fell. "Y/n.... don't you remember me? And sorry but is that a proper thank you to someone who saved your life?"
           "My name is Nara Jinx, not (y/n).... and I was told not to trust you." You put your bandana back on and jumped out the nearest window, only to be pulled back in and have your weapons knocked out of you hands.

Lost.  (Paris x Reader) (finished and incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now