Stiched Perfect

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      You took a deep breathe and sighed. You felt your eyes, replaced by buttons. you picked up the black bandana and tied it around your head, covering your button eyes. "He says im now perfect, Stiched to perfection. The perfect monster, killer. Yet..." You hugged yourself, "i have a feeling im not meant to kill..." you chuckled, " Stiched to perfection, a perfection that destroys me."
     You left the sewers and met up with your best friend. She smiled at you, "Hey Nara." You smiled softly, "Yo." You asked her to go somewhere private with you and led her to an alley way. "Close your eyes," you say, "I have a surprise." the friend closed her eyes. You unzipped your coat and unsheathed a dagger which you plunged into her heart and quickly pull out and put away. You walked away leaving your dead friend on the ground. I'm sorry, you thought, but orders are orders, i must obey if i want to make him proud.

Lost.  (Paris x Reader) (finished and incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now