The preperations

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You fixed your bandanna that hid your button eyes and went to class. You grabbed your friend and dragged him. He groaned. "What? Why are you dragging meeeeeeeeee..." You sighed and quote on quote looked at him. He was the only one who knew you were a doll of sorts and the visions.

"Go to the dance with me." He blushed brightly. "Eh? Dance? Why? You hated those I thought."

"I do... but the crown... it's another... toy. I need to win it."

"Oh... well... it's a costume party sooooo, ILL HELP GET YOU AN OUTFIT!"

"Don't you dare make it revealing."

"I would never..." Damn it. She knows me to well. He sighed. "Fine fine. I'll make sure you're gorgeous though. We want to win to protect everyone right?"

She nodded. Protect. Yeahhhhh, that wasn't exactly it. But the term will have to do. After all, Paris should come, that's the reason you were going. To beat his ass. Do puppets even have an ass? You didn't know.

Lost.  (Paris x Reader) (finished and incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now