Chapter 4

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We were both sat with a fire. Me being a girl I made Josh get the logs. The sun was setting, the only sounds you could hear was the waves crashing, I looked deeply into it thinking about my family back home, I had a brother he was soon to be married, I was going for his wedding, then there was my mum, and dad. I moved out years back, I wanted my own freedom, with that at home I couldn't there was rules and regulations.

"What you thinking about" Josh tilted his head to his side. I bit my bottom lip because first of all I didn't realise he hadn't got a top on, he caught me staring at his abs I quickly recovered myself.

"Ermmm n-n-nothin'" I managed.

"Take a picture it would last longer" he added

"Einstein. There's no battery left."

"Ohhhh so you would like to take a pic. Admit it!" He said roaring with laughter, I admired his beautiful smile. "Sorry! No seriously wassup?"

"Am cold" the fire was no help. Before I knew it he came and sat beside me, he positioned himself so that he had his arms round me tightly. We both laid back staring into each other's eyes. "Better" he whispered I merely nodded


I woke up with the sun shining brightly down on me I squinted before opening my eyes, I felt a little lonely knowing that Josh was gone. I got up and found him near the fire, shirtless to be precise. I admired the way his arms were flexing in every move he made whilst cooking up breakfast. I slowly walked up to him, he turned around to meet with my eyes "good morning sleeping beauty" my heart fluttered at his words. Being stupid me I only replied:

"Morning" I mentally smacked my self. I think I was getting feelings for this guy. Can't be. We always bullied each other. "What you cooking?"

"Whilst you were asleep I went to find some food for both of us, I've found some bananas so Im just heating that up." He said focussing on the fire.

"Do you miss home?" I asked. But regretted it when his eyes turned Cold on me, there was some sort of message behind his stare. "A-am sorry, I didn't mean if-"

"Am adopted" my eyes widen in shock. "My parents passed in a car crash when I was young, I don't really getting on with my adoptive parents. So I wasn't planning to visit them either. During breaks I got to my uncles and aunts." I could feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"Am sorry to hear that" he looked back at me with his stare cooled down. I gazed into his eyes. He started leaning closer, just a few inches away from my lips. He started laughing like a maniac.

"In. Your. Dreams. I would kiss you! Maybe someday. But not today" I felt a heat of embarssment washing over me.

We are in silence, sitting opposite each other. What was surprising we were talking, like nothing's gone wrong. It looked like we were two happy couples *gross face* but I quiet enjoyed this side of Josh. "Let's take a swim" Josh said, beaming.

"You kidding me? Where am I going to find a swim suit in this place." I pointed

"Good one, but just swim naked." He looked at me mischievously. I smacked him in the arm. Which made him rub on it.

"I-I-... Ermmm... Don't know how to swim" I said looking back down. I thought he'd come up with a snarky comeback.

"I'll teach you!" I looked at him in shock. I bit my lip, worried that something was going to happen...

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