chap 13

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"Imelda! Great you found her." Hector shouts happily before turning to Ernesto. "I'll kill you!" He looks at the man, tackling him to the ground.
"Hector..." Imelda calls.
"You just have to ruin my life don't you!? In the living world and here!?"
"Hector..." She taps her foot.
"You have five seconds to explain why you did this."
"What!?" He turns to Imelda and his eyes widen. Maria squirms on the ground as she pours liter fluid on her.
"Wh...what are you doing!?"
"You could've been mine hector. If this little brat never existed. And we could've been together again if she didnt come here. I know this wont kill her since we can only "die" by being forgotten, but this will seriously hurt. Now get on your knees!" She grabs a box of matches, pulling one out to show she's serious.
Hector hesitates before lowering to the ground.
"I will not set her on fire, if you promise to forget her. Be with me."
"I...I can't do that!"
She lights the match.
"Wait stop!!" He looks down to the poor girl, nodding a sad nod. "Before I agree, answer me one thing. Why were you working with Ernesto? If you love me...why would you team up with the man who took me away from you?"
She pressed a finger to her chin in a thinking position. "Well, how should I put this...? I used him."
"What!?" Ernest shouts angrily.
"I couldn't possibly kidnap her myself." She shrugs. "He was willing to do it for me and some of the dirty work while I pretended to be innocent. That's the only reason I'm with him."
"You bitch!" He takes a step forward.
"I wouldn't do that. The lighter fluid just so happens to be leaking toward you. You move, I drop the match and it lights you both."
Ernesto gulps, glaring at the evil woman.
"You too, on your knees." he does as told, and gets on his knees next to Hector. "Now, I told you the reason. Now promise to forget her and be with me."
Hector nods, looking to the girl on the ground.
"I'm sorry Maria..." He smiles. "I'm sorry that this happened and I have no other choice."
Maria shakes her head,muffled cries making it out of her mouth.
"I'm sorry...Imelda...?" He looks behind her and smirks. "You might want to duck."
She looks confused before turning around to come face to face with a pan.
"THATS FOR KIDNAPPING MY DAUGHTER!!!" Marias mother yells to the unconscious woman. Hector rushes to pick up the crying girl. He takes the bindings off and hugs her to him.
"I'm so sorry mí amor~ I'll never turn away from you again." He continues to apologize.
"Hector stop. I'm okay now." She kisses his cheek. Another loud bang rings through the room, making everyone turn to the noise. Marias father glares angrily over Ernesto's unconscious form, a large block of wood in hand.
"Let's get you cleaned up." Rosita rushes over to her and pulls her up, taking her home. The rest of the family following, but not before making sure the police came for the two.
"Maria, I am so sorry for my mother." Coco hugs her after she gets out of the shower. "I guess her true colors came through."
"She just got a little crazy, its no big deal." She giggles.
"She didnt go a little crazy!! She went full on phsycotic!!!" Julio shouts.
"She'll be fine with the authorities. They'll take care of everything." Oscar says.
"Maria...?" Hector calls.
She turns to him as he looks down in shame. "I should've kept a good eye on you. Your bones were broken. And I could've stopped this if I kept a hold of your hand."
"I'm fine. My bones have healed amd I feel great. I still would've gone if you held my hand, but if I didn't...Imelda and Ernesto wouldn't be in jail. I'm happy I left, so you should be too."

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