Return Of An Enemy

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Attention this story is a sequel of my other story Redemption and takes place after my one shot Bad Date found in My Book Of Transformers One Shots. If you haven't read them yet then go read those stories first or you might not understand some of this one. Just letting you know. Now on with the story.

Knock Out opened his optics and looked around as everything slowly came into focus. He didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there.

His ruby optics suddenly widened in terror when he realized he was strapped down on a table. He struggled against his restraints but they wouldn't budge.

"Hey where am I?!" He yelled. "Why am I being restrained?!"

But he got no answer. He knew he was in some kind of lab and didn't like this one bit. And was trying to think of a way to free himself optics wide with fear. It was so dark all he could make out was some drills and lab equipment.

Then the lights came on and he had to squint his optics to keep the blinding light from hurting them.

But he recognized two people standing there. One was Cane the son of Silas and the man who had nearly killed Shayna trying to get her to tell him about the bots. The other one surprised him.

"Silas?" He hissed. "I thought you were dead."

"But I'm right here so I'm obviously alive right son." He said looking at Cane.

"Right Dad." Cane replied.

"You butchers how did you capture me?!" Knock Out growled at them now feeling more angry then afraid but really feeling a little of both. "And what are you planning to do with me?!"

"Why cut you up of course." Silas replied. "I still want to see what makes you tick because one can never learn to much."

Knock Out started struggling against his restraints again especially when he saw a drill being turned on and aimed at his optic.

"You do the honors son." Silas told Cane who began to operate the drill.

"No please don't!" Knock Out screamed as he saw the drill get closer and closer to his optic.

"No!" Knock Out yelled as he suddenly hit the floor of his berthroom. "What?"

"Oh thank goodness it was just another nightmare." He said realizing the whole ordeal had just been a bad dream he had while in recharge.

Just then his door suddenly burst open and Starscream rushed in with his missiles ready.

"What's wrong DeAnn and Shayna heard you screaming and woke me up to check on you." The seeker explained.

"It's ok Starscream I just had a little nightmare but I'm fine now." Knock Out told him.

Then Starscream accidentally fired one of his missiles through the ceiling where the medbay was located right above Knock Out's room.

"Oh scrap." They both said at once.

And they heard a boom then looked up through the hole that was now in the ceiling of Knock Out's room and the floor of the medbay to see that the work table had been shot across the room.

Then they heard pedsteps coming over to the hole and before they knew it a wrench come down through the hole and hit Starscream square in the faceplates.

"Starscream I needed that!" Ratchet scolded the seeker through the hole.

"Sorry about that Ratchet we'll fix it tomorrow." They both apologized.

Then Shayna and DeAnn both ran in with Pixel to see what happened.

"Are you two ok?" DeAnn asked seeing the hole in the ceiling. "What happened?"

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