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Meanwhile Sideswipe, Smokescreen and Blurr noticed Knock Out was missing and went back to base and told the others.

And everyone was wondering what had happened to the Austin Martin. And went out to look for him.

They especially started to worry when Shayna told them she was feeling the emphay bond and knew that Knock Out was hurt and scared.

And they knew he was in danger and had to find their friend before it was too late. Starscream got an idea that maybe Shayna could use the emphay bond to track Knock Out like the way he'd found her when Cane captured her in his home.

And everyone agreed it was worth a try and the bots went to look for Knock Out with Shayna accompanying them. While the other humans stayed at the scrap your with Fixit. Ratchet went with the others to look for Knock Out knowing he might need medical attention when they found him.

Meanwhile Knock Out woke up strapped to a table and was having some really bad flashbacks to his nightmares about being captured by MECH only this time it wasn't a nightmare they really had him strapped to one of their tables and he was terrified.

He could tell his injuries had been fixed just enough so they wouldn't kill him but had been left there enough for him to still feel pain from them.

He was currently by himself and decided to try to escape but he for some reason felt sick and too weak to move in addition to being strapped down.

Knock Out quickly scanned the room with his optics and saw there were several drills and some other not so friendly looking equipment.

Knock Out was scared and didn't know what to do he was terrified he wasn't going to get out of there alive.

They had deactivated his weapons and com-link and he noticed a hose was attached to his tank giving him something that was making him feel sick. And they had an EMP set on a low frequency. No wonder he felt out of it.

Suddenly Night Wolf entered the room with Cane. Knock Out just glared at the two of them.

"What are you doing working with MECH?" Knock Out asked Night Wolf he could still speak but only at a low volume because his voice felt weak do to whatever was being pumped into his tank and the EMP. "This is low even for you."

That earned him a smack across the faceplates. And he was secretly wondering why the EMP wasn't effecting Night Wolf.

"I joined them after I learned we have something in common." Night Wolf said looking at Cane. "We both hate you and want to get some payback."

"I'll let you cybertronians talk for awhile while I go work on somethings." Cane told them as he left the room.

"Night Wolf can't you see their using you and are going to betray you sooner or later you can't trust MECH they'll just chew you up and spit you out." Knock Out tried appealing to the other mech to try to at least get his captors to turn against each other.

"Starscream once tried to work with MECH when it was being run by Silas and then he woke up without a T-cog I wonder what they'll take from you." He added.

"You don't think I'm not expecting that." Night Wolf hissed in Knock Out's audio receptors low enough for only the red sports car to hear. "I'm the one who's using them to get my revenge on you and once I'm done I'll kill all of them and take all this equipment for myself."

"So your basically being to them what Starscream once was to Megatron?" Knock Out said not being able to hold back a chuckle. "This is gonna blow up on you somehow."

Then Night Wolf used his claws to scratch Knock Out across the chestplates earning a cry of pain. Then put his claws over Knock Out's servos and dug them into them and activated the electricity in them to shock the red transformer.

Then he stopped and used his servos to crush one of Knock Out's making him scream in agony as coolant tears of pain flowed from his optics.

"Even if by some miracle you do mange to escape and get back to that team of yours try being a medic now." Night Wolf told him cruelly knowing he had just seriously damaged Knock Out's servos and that to a medic the hands are everything. "Your voice box is next."

"What are you doing?" "We were supposed to wait till we captured Shayna I want her to witness his torture." Cane said having just come back.

"Oh sorry I guess I got carried away." Night Wolf told him glaring at Knock Out. Night Wolf really wanted to end the red medic on his own terms and didn't want to share his vengeance with anyone but was just playing nice until he got a chance to destroy MECH when they wouldn't be expecting it.

"You leave her alone!" Knock Out growled upon hearing Cane mention he was going to try to get Shayna.

"I'm going to make sure she suffers as much as you do." Cane told him darkly.

"If you as much as lay one finger on her I'll kill you!" Knock Out to spite being under the effects of an EMP and being given liquid nitrogen through the hose. Still somehow managed to scream at him.

"Give him a bigger dose of liquid nitrogen and turn up the EMP a little more I think he needs to rest for awhile." Cane said coldly.

Then Knock Out felt more of the liquid nitrogen entered his system and the EMP let out a stronger frequency.

Knock Out tried to fight the effects but quickly lost his fight to stay conscious as he fell into forced recharge and his helm plopped back against the table.

Then after seeing that the red transformer was out Cane left the room and went back to trying to locate the other cybertronians and trying to figure out how to get Shayna.

While Night Wolf glared at the unconscious cherry colored mech and snarled while sharpening his claws.

To Be Continued.

Yeah Night Wolf is definitely gonna try something but what? And what will it lead too? You'll see in the next chapter. But whatever it is won't be good. And it's another cliffhanger. I'll try to have the next part ready soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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