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The next day Starscream, DeAnn and Pixel were on their way to find the scrap yard. When a Cybertronian pod landed and a rose gold colored femme emerged from it.

"Starscream is it normal for seekers to have tires?" DeAnn asked noticing this femme looked different.

"Starscream!" Screamout hissed as her optics turned red. "This is all yours and his fault!"

Then charged at the seeker with her saw out. "How did I make you mad I don't even know you?!" Starscream cried wondering why the femme was so angry at him.

But all the seeker was really thinking about was protecting DeAnn and Pixel.

Then Knock Out showed up because he Shayna and Soundwave were in the area. And he went to scout ahead while Shayna, Soundwave and the minicons would catch up when he commed them and told them the cost was clear.

"Knock Out?" Starscream said in shock.

"Yyou!" Screamout yelled in anger.

"What is with this femme?" Knock Out asked seeing how mad she was at the two of them.

Screamout tried to use her scream but no sound came out. "Strange this usually works?" She thought.

But decided to just fight them the old fashion way. Knock Out tried to use his prob on her but she dodged it.

Screamout then fell to the ground suddenly feeling weak. She started coffing up energon. As she now continued to shake.

Both Starscream and Knock Out could tell something was wrong with her.

"I hate you both if it wasn't for you two Shockwave wouldn't have made me!" She sobbed as she lashed out at the two of them.

They both looked at her in shock as she tried to attack them only to collapse. "I wouldn't be a killer, have this bloodlust or be a monster!" She yelled at them before she blacked out.

The Knock Out went over and examined her and right away figured out she was sick.

"She's leaking a combination between red energon and synthetic energon." Knock Out said as he looked at the stuff coming from her injuries. "The red energon is just speeding up the effects of the synthetic energon."

"Oh scrap." Starscream groaned.

"We need to get some regular energon into her ASAP or she's not gonna make it." Knock Out told Starscream then called Soundwave over the com-link telling him to bring energon.

And it wasn't long till a ground bridge opened and Soundwave and his minicons came through along with Shayna who DeAnn and Pixel greeted right away.

Awhile later Screamout came back online and was feeling much better. She was much more calm and her bloodlust was completely gone.

"I'm sorry I attacked you guys like that." Screamout told Starscream and Knock Out. "And I didn't mean what I said before."

Then she explained everything to the two of them.

"How did Shockwave even get both our CNA anyway?" Asked Starscream.

"Who knows." Knock Out said.

Then they invited Screamout to come with them seeing that she was really nice without her bloodlust which the red energon and synthetic energon was to blame for. And now that it was out of her system they didn't have to worry about it.

And she thanked them.

Then they all talk with each other about everything they'd been through the last few days.

And Starscream had the uneasy job of telling Soundwave what happened to Megatron.

The seeker thought Soundwave was going to strike him. But instead the slender mech put his servo on the seekers back in a comforting manner.

Understanding that Starscream did what he had to and hadn't wanted to go through with it.

"We will make MECH pay when we get the chance." Said Soundwave. "This I vow with all my spark."

Then they all went on there way to look for the scrap yard glad to have found each other and want to find the others as well.

And also making a mental note to tell the others that Shockwave was definitely up to something.

To Be Continued.

Sorry this was a short chapter. But hey I gave you two today. I'll try to update this and my other stories soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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