Unexpected Help

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Meanwhile Knock Out and Shayna had left the forest and made it to a city and Shayna was currently riding in Knock Out's alt mode.

They were trying to figure out where they were so they could find their way to the scrap yard.

After looking around for awhile they learned they were in Mexico. Then stopped at a shop so Shayna could buy some supplies for their journey.

Then they got back on the road and travelled some more until they stopped so Shayna could set up camp for the night because they had just spent an entire day just trying to figure out were they were.

They had found a quiet spot that was away from the city so Knock Out could change into his bot mode without having to worry about being seen by someone.

They were just talking and hanging out when suddenly Shayna spotted a mech coming towards them.

At first she thought it was Steeljaw but saw the color scheme was different. Instead of gray he was black and red.

Shayna started to ask who he was. When he suddenly shot Knock Out in the shoulder.

"Well if it isn't the good Doctor." Hissed the mech.

"Night Wolf how did you find your why to Earth?" Knock Out groaned as he clenched his injured shoulder.

"I just arrived here a few moments ago actually." Night Wolf said in a mocking tone. "I must say it's fancy meeting you here."

"I heard you joined the Autobots." Night Wolf added.

"So he a Decepticon?" Asked Shayna trying to figure out what to do.

"No I'm a NAIL because I like to think of myself as a stand alone kind of mech." Night Wolf explained. "A lone wolf if you will."

Then Night Wolf charged at Knock Out and started attacking the Austin Martin.

"Run Shayna get out of here!" Knock Out told his charge not wanting Night Wolf to harm her as the two mechs continued to fight each other.

Night Wolf stabbed his claws into the wound on Knock Out's shoulder where he'd been shot just minutes before. Causing him to cry out in pain.

Then he delivered several punches and kicks to the red medic. But Knock Out was still putting up a good fight.

"So that's a human." Night Wolf hissed in dark amusement. "You seem to like her quite a bit I'll take great pleasure in crushing her right before your optics."

"You will do no such thing!" Knock Out growled as he started fighting Night Wolf harder. "If you ever lay a digit on her I will rip your spark out!"

"That sounds like a good idea." Said Night Wolf as he suddenly dug his claws into Knock Out's chestplates trying to reach his spark.

Knock Out was trying desperately to fend him off but Night Wolf was stronger then him and Knock Out could feel himself getting weaker as the wolf mech continued to sink his claws deeper into his frame.

They were currently in front of a cliff. Night Wolf yanked his claws out of Knock Out's chestplates as energon flowed out of the wound he had just inflected.

Then Night Wolf was about to deliver the finishing blow. When all of a sudden he felt something shock him and looked down to see Shayna using the energon prob Knock Out made her on his leg.

He was distracted by the human who was shocking him. And this gave Knock Out time to kick him in the side of the leg and knock him off the cliff.

It was a pretty good drop even by cybertronian standards. Knock Out watched his foe fall from the cliff then slumped to the ground having just been badly injured in his fight with Night Wolf.

Shayna rush over to her guardian to find that he had gone into stasis lock and was trying to figure out what to do when she heard something coming through the trees and grabbed her weapon ready to defend herself and Knock Out.

When she saw slender mech walk towards them.

"Stay back." She said trying her best to sound brave even though inside she was debating between screaming in terror or passing out.

"I mean you no harm." The mech told her. "I simply heard fighting and came to investigate."

"But you have a Decepticon logo?" Shayna pointed out having noticed a Decepticon shield on the mech's arm.

"I did serve the Decepticons under Megatron." The mech explained. "But I heard that he has given up that cause and I was loyal to the Decepticons only because I am loyal to Megatron."

"Since he has sided with the Autobots I now side with the Autobots." He added.

"My guardian is hurt can you help him?" She asked.

"I will do whatever I can." The mech told her then a ground bridge appeared. And the mech picked up Knock Out being careful not to add to the red transformer's injuries.

Shayna followed them through the ground bridge. Then the mech used tenticoles he extended to open Knock Out's subspace and got his medical kit out and used it along with some tools he had in the cave and began to repair the wounded mech.

A while later Knock Out woke up from stasis and saw Soundwave standing there and started to panic until Shayna explained that Soundwave had saved him.

And Knock Out relaxed after she told him what happened and he knew the slender mech was no longer a threat.

Then they told Soundwave about the situation with MECH. And Soundwave explained that he had been on his way to a MECH base because he had learned that his other minicons Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy were alive and being held there.

And he and Laserbeak were planning to rescue them. And after hearing this Knock Out and Shayna agreed to help save them.

"So I guess we're on a rescue mission now." Said Shayna.

"It's the least I can do since you save me." Knock Out told Soundwave. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." Soundwave replied.

"And thanks for helping me with Night Wolf back there." Knock Out said to Shayna.

"Anytime partner." She told him. "What was his problem anyway?"

"Me and Night Wolf used to be friends on Cybertron when we were just out of medical school until I found out he was experamenting on his patients and selling their part along with illegal circuit boosters and circuit speeders." Knock Out explained.

"I reported him and his medical license was taken away and he's hated me ever since." He added.

"Sounds like you did the right thing." Shayna said to her guardian.

"I just didn't want him to harm his patients." Knock Out explained. "As medics they depend on us to heal them."

"Your a good medic Knock Out." Shayna told him. And he smiled.

Then they started talking to Soundwave as they all started trying come up with a plan to save Soundwave's minicons.

To Be Continued.

Well there another chapter for you guys. I'll try to get the next one of this and my other stories up soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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