Arrived At Last

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The next day the group arrived at the scrap yard and were glad to be greeted by the rest of the Autobots who had all made it there in one piece.

And told them about everything that had happened. And both Soundwave and Screamout were welcomed to the team as Autobots.

And Optimus was sad to learn of Megatron's fate. He, Starscream and Soundwave spent awhile talking about it. And ironically Starscream was the one taking it the hardest.

Now everyone was just doing their own thing and trying to think of how to stop MECH and wondering what Shockwave was up too.

When they all heard singing and saw that Shayna was listening to a song on her headphones and singing with it. And all thought it sounded pretty.

"Well looks like DeAnn's not the only one who can sing." Said Knock Out. "And is it just me or is her voice a little bit stronger then DeAnn's?" He thought not saying the last part out loud.

Then she finished and saw everyone looking at her and almost fainted.

"How long have you guys been there?" She asked them as her cheeks turned as red as her guardian's paint job.

"Long enough to know you have a pretty voice." Knock Out told her.

"Thanks." She answered shyly.

"Yeah we both like to sing." DeAnn explained. "But Shayna is a bit more shy about it."

Just then they heard something and ran to see what was going on and saw that Grimlock had accidentally knocked over some stuff in the medbay.

"Grimlock I needed that." Ratchet scolded the dinobot who apologized.

Then they all decided to just relax a bit before trying to come up with a way to stop MECH knowing the team needed a break after everything that had happened.

The human members of the team were all hanging out and having a picnic. While the bots were either  training or just hanging out. They were all just enjoying some much needed down time.

Knock Out was buffing his finish when Sideswipe, Smokescreen and Blurr who was visiting from Griffin Rock came over and asked if he would have a race with them.

They had asked Bumblebee but he was busy doing something with Raf since the two hadn't seen each other in a long time. And they wanted a forth bot to race with.

Knock Out accepted being a velocitronian who loved to race. "This is gonna be fun." He thought.

Not being able to foresee how badly this joyride would end or what awful consequences it would have for all of them.

The four of them went to an old dirt road where no humans would see them. And started racing and were all having a great time.

Blurr and Knock Out were in the lead. And they were having fun. Blurr had shot way ahead and Knock Out was trying to catch up to steal the lead having already left Sideswipe and Smokescreen in the dust.

Knock Out was having so much fun that he forgot to pay attention and took a wrong turn and suddenly realized he was lost.

"Scrap this is embarrassing." He thought. Then after attempting to find his way a few times and only getting himself more lost he decided to call and explained what happened and ask for a ground bridge to get back on track.

But only got static. So calling the scrap yard or his friends was a no.

Knock Out was trying to figure out why his com-link had stopped working and realized there was some kind of frequency in the area that was interfering with the signal.

Transformers Knock OutWhere stories live. Discover now