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It didn't take long for Knock Out and Starscream to find the steel mill and they sent Pixel ahead to look for Seeljaw.

Starscream and Knock Out were trying to think of how to beat Night Wolf.

"I say one of us approach from the front door to get Night Wolf's attention then the other can jump him from behind." Starscream suggested.

"That could work I'll be the one to get his attention because it won't be hard given how much he has it in for me." Knock Out agreed.

"Then I'll be the one to jump him." Said Starscream.

"Ok what's my role in the plan?" Asked a voice.

"Well you can make your way to the.." Knock Out started to answer when he released the voice was Night Wolf and stopped. "Ok plan B!" He yelled.

Then he and Starscream just started fighting with Night Wolf who had spotted them as he was about to leave.

Meanwhile Pixel found Steeljaw and untied him and got the IV out. Then starting trying to wake him up.

"Five more minutes." Steeljaw groaned.

Then Pixel kicked him.

"Alright I'm up!" Steeljaw said. "And Up and up." He added as he got on his feet and almost fell over twice.

Apparently the circuit boosters were still in his system and had made him loopy.

"Don't worry sparkling I'll help find your Carrier." Steeljaw told Pixel who in his dopped up state he mistook for a sparkling. The minicon just let out some confused beeps.

Then Steeljaw put Pixel on his shoulder and danced out of the room humming The Touch.

Meanwhile Knock Out and Starscream were still fighting Night Wolf in the steel mill.

And he was managing to hold his own against both of them. And they ended up in part of the steel mill were there was a conveyer belt and some equipment.

Night Wolf shot Starscream with his EMP and the seeker fell backwards and landed on the conveyer belt and Night Wolf turned it on.

Knock Out was now fighting Night Wolf while desperately trying to reach the panel to stop Starscream who was currently stunned and unable to move from getting hurt.

Knock Out managed to reach it and backed it up then turned it off. Only for Night Wolf to shove him away and turn it on again. And was now fighting Knock Out and wouldn't let the red mech near it again.

Starscream was now screaming for help and just knew he was going to die. When Pixel ran over to the panel and back it up and turned it off again.

"Pixel you are my favorite minicon." Starscream told him. Then Steeljaw walked over.

"Ooh what does this button do?" He asked as he pressed it and turned the conveyer belt back on much to Starscream's horror.

"Scrap Steeljaw who's side are you on?!" Starscream yelled at him.

Then Pixel hit the button that turned it off again right when Starscream was two inches form the machinery. And the seeker's optics widened before he fainted.

Steeljaw had walk away and was now where Knock Out and Night Wolf were fighting.

"Hey Bro, Knock Out how it hanging?" Steeljaw said to the two fighting mechs.

"What?!" They both answered at once feeling completely confused.

"You gave him circuit boosters didn't you?" Knock Out deadpaned.

Transformers Knock OutWhere stories live. Discover now