#9 - Finding Out the Gender.

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Most pregnant women find out their baby's sex (if they choose to know) during their mid-pregnancy ultrasound, usually between 16 and 20 weeks. Just in case anyone's wondering! :) xx

Ashton: "Big day," the doctor hummed as she got the machine ready, "Are you going to be finding out the gender?" You looked at Ashton and he nodded, showing that he agreed with you in finding out. "So, here is your baby," the doctor smiled, stilling the wand on your stomach before clicking a button for a picture. "And the heartbeat," another button was clicked and the whooshing sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the room. "Oh, wow." you breathed while Ashton raised your hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it softly. She then moved the wand across your stomach before looking at the two of you, "Are you sure you want to know?" You nodded and gripped your husband's hand tighter. "Well," she began, looking closely at the screen, "You're having a baby girl." Ashton pressed his lips to the back of your hand again, "A little girl. (Y/N), we're having a little girl."

Calum: "Before she calls us in, I've been thinking," he began, toying with your fingers, "I know we said we wanted to wait until the baby was born, but we're having twins. I really think we should find out if we're having little boys or girls." You agreed with him. Besides, you wanted to shop for the babies and it'd be much easier knowing. "Yeah, let's find out." you whispered as the doctor called you in. You were excited as Calum helped you up onto the bed, his head coming to rest beside your as the doctor began. "Well here are the babies," she smiled, "They're both perfectly healthy. Do you want to know what you're having?" Calum grinned and nodded, "Yeah. Yeah we do." She grinned and tapped a few buttons is the sound of the heartbeats flooded the room while she looked. "If you look closely," she began, turning the screen towards you, "You can see that you're having two boys."

Luke: You decided to let his mum be the one to tell you and not the doctor. She came along with you to one of your appointments, found out and had now made a cake. You and Luke waited in the dining room patiently with your parents as she brought the cake through, handing Luke a knife after setting it down on the table. "You do it," you whispered, covering your eyes with your hands and you heard Luke pick up the knife. He took the quietest of breaths before you heard the knife coming to the bottom of the plate. Only then did you move your hands, seeing a tiny bit of blue sponge. "Blue," Luke breathed, squeezing your shoulder, "We're having a boy." Standing up, you threw your arms around your husband. A little baby boy.

Michael: "Why did we agree to this?" he muttered in your ear as everyone gathered in the backyard, "Everyone here knows but us." You nodded, regretting your decision in letting your parents see the gender of the baby first. They had spread it around like wildfire and now you and Michael were the only two who didn't know. "Okay," your mum said, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention, "Well inside this box, there's obviously going to be either going to be blue or pink balloons. We'll let the expecting couple open it up." Michael reached out with one hand, keeping a tight grip on yours with the other. He opened the box and the two of you waited with bated breath. One by one, light pink balloons floated up out of the box and into to air. "Oh my God," Michael breathed, turning to you, "We're having a girl!" He then cupped your face and kissed you, "A little girl!"

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